The Council may by ordinance grant a non-exclusive to any person, firm or corporation to construct or operate a public utility on, across, under, over or above any public street or real estate within the City for a period not in excess of twenty-five (25) years; and it may prescribe in the ordinance the kind or quality of service or products to be furnished, the rate to be charged therefor, and such other terms as Council shall deem conducive to the public interest. Such franchise may be amended or renewed in the manner and subject to the provisions established by this Charter for original grants. No consent of the owner of property abutting on any public street or real estate shall be necessary to the effectiveness of any such grant, amendment, or renewal. All such grants, amendments and renewals shall be made subject to the continuing right of the Council to provide reasonable regulations for the operation of such utilities with reference to such street and public real estate, including the right to require such reconstruction, relocation, alteration or removal of structures and equipment used in such streets or public realty as shall, in the opinion of Council, be necessary in the public interest.