The following specifications and requirements shall and are determined to be minimum requirements for streets to be paved in the City in residential areas.
   (a)   No permanent pavement shall be constructed unless and until the completion of the following conditions, which are considered and determined to be necessary conditions precedent to the paving of streets in the City.
      (1)    Grading of the street to its full width in conformity with the cross section and to the established grade previously approved by Council;
      (2)    Installation of all underground improvements, such as storm and sanitary sewers, together with all necessary appurtenances such as manholes, catch basins and curb connections for every sublot; water mains, together with all necessary appurtenances such as hydrants, valves and curb connections for every sublot, all in accordance with plans and specifications previously approved by Council;
      (3)    A soil stability report is submitted to and approved by the City Engineer. Such report shall clearly state the backfill and compaction is suitable for construction of the roadway or shall state what remedial action must be performed to make it suitable. When remedial action is required and performed, another report shall be submitted stating the soil is suitable for construction. These required reports must be prepared and sealed by an engineer licensed to practice in the State of Ohio;
      (4)    Construction of a temporary slag roadway, equal to the width of pavement as approved, to a minimum depth of six inches, with its top surface parallel with and eight inches below the surface of the finished pavement, which shall be built and maintained to the satisfaction of Council, adequate to insure access to any occupied dwelling by any of the fire, service or police equipment;
      (5)    A sum, in amount determined by the Engineer and approved by Council, shall be deposited by the owner in escrow, in a bank approved by the Director of Finance. The purpose of these funds shall be used for reviewing the required plans and reports and to insure that the temporary roadway will be so maintained. Such sum shall be paid out on order of the Engineer to the City or to a contractor of the City to make necessary repairs to the temporary road if the owner neglects or refuses to make such repairs when so ordered by the Engineer.
   (b)   The permanent pavement, when constructed, shall have a width of not less than twenty-four feet between curbs in any street, the dedicated width of which is less than sixty feet throughout the major portion of the length to be paved. The permanent pavement shall have a width of not less than twenty-six feet in any street, the dedicated portion of which is sixty feet or more throughout the major portion of the length to be paved. Council may require greater widths on any street in the City than those set forth herein when, in its opinion, the potential traffic load cannot be accommodated by these minimum requirements. Compliance with the specifications of the Ohio Department of Transportation for roadways of the size and traffic loading proposed shall be considered to meet the minimum requirements.
   (c)   The permanent pavement shall be of reinforced concrete, not less than seven inches in thickness, with integral curbs, together with proper expansion, contraction and longitudinal key joints. The crown of the finished pavement shall conform to the established grade of the street and there shall be constructed a four-inch curb drain back of the curb to a depth of two feet with the trench filled with compacted slag.
   (d)   Before any construction of permanent pavement or any excavation pertaining thereto is begun, detailed plans, profiles, cross sections and specifications, prepared by a registered professional engineer, shall be submitted to the Engineer in triplicate for his approval. Upon such approval, the Director of Public Service and Properties shall submit such plans to Council for final approval, after which construction may be started.
   (e)   The foregoing minimum specifications shall not apply to the construction of pavement in those streets which are dedicated for public use but which are to be constructed, reconstructed and/or maintained by the State or Cuyahoga County.
   (f)   No cul-de-sacs shall be permitted in any new subdivision or development of lands within the Municipality unless, for good cause shown, Council, by a majority vote thereof, determines that the continuation of the right of way would be unsafe for vehicular traffic. Rights of way in new subdivisions shall be designed to interconnect with any dead-end rights of way existing or proposed on abutting and contiguous properties.
(Ord. 42-2004. Passed 7-12-04.)