   (A)   After the approval of the stormwater management permit by the town and the commencement of construction activities, the town has the authority to conduct inspections of the work being done to ensure full compliance with the provisions of this subchapter, the approved SWPPP, the Town of Sellersburg Stormwater Technical Standards Manual, and the terms and conditions of the approved permit.
   (B)   Stormwater quality facilities shall be maintained in good condition in accordance with the operation and maintenance procedures and schedules listed in the Town of Sellersburg Stormwater Technical Standards Manual, in addition to the designed and approved performance specifications for the facilities, and shall not be subsequently altered, revised, or replaced except as approved by the town.
   (C)   The town also has the authority to perform long-term, post-construction inspection of all public or privately owned stormwater quality facilities. The inspection will cover physical conditions, available water quality storage capacity and the operational condition of key facility elements. Noted deficiencies and recommended corrective action will be included in an inspection report.
(Ord. 2021-OR-003, passed 1-11-21)
   (A)   This subchapter applies to all development, or re-development of land, that results in land disturbance of one acre or more. Individual lots with land disturbance less than one acre shall refer to §§ 55.055 et seq. and §§ 55.070 et seq. for plan review requirements and procedures. Figure 1 is a flowchart summarizing the plan review/permit approval process and can be found at the end of this subchapter.
   (B)   All projects located within the corporate boundaries of the Town of Sellersburg lie within the town's MS4 area boundary by default. The project site owner shall submit an application for a stormwater management permit to the town. The application will include construction plan sheets, a stormwater drainage technical report, a SWPPP, and any other necessary support information. Specific information to be included in the application can be found in § 55.081 below. Four copies of each application must be submitted to the town. The town may, at its discretion, require one or more copies be submitted to the Clark County Surveyor, or other entity deemed appropriate by the town. Additionally, a digital copy of the construction plans is required in a format accepted by the town.
   (C)   After the town’s receipt of the application, the applicant will be notified as to whether their application was complete or insufficient. The applicant will be asked for additional information if the application is insufficient. If the application is complete, it will be reviewed in detail by the town and/or its plan review consultant(s). Once the review has been completed, the Town Planning and Zoning Director or their designee will either approve the project, request modifications, or deny the project.
   (D)   The project site owner must notify the town and IDEM 48 hours before beginning construction. Notification shall be in the form of an updated IDEM NOI form. Once a permit has been issued and the updated NOI submitted to the town and IDEM 48 hours before the beginning of construction, construction may commence. Once construction starts, the project owner shall monitor construction activities and inspect all stormwater pollution prevention measures in compliance with this chapter and the terms and conditions of the approved permit. Upon completion of construction activities, as-built plans must be submitted to the town. A notice of termination (NOT) shall be sent to the town once the construction site has been stabilized and all temporary erosion and sediment control measures have been removed. The town, or its representative, shall inspect the construction site to verify that the requirements for an NOT have been met. Once the applicant receives a “verified" copy of the NOT, they must forward a copy to IDEM. Permits issued under this scenario will expire five years from the date of issuance. If construction is not completed within five years, the NOI must be resubmitted at least 90 days prior to expiration.
(Ord. 2021-OR-003, passed 1-11-21)
   (A)   Specific projects or activities may be exempt from all or part of the informational requirements listed below. Exemptions are detailed in §§ 55.002, 55.025, 55.040, 55.055, and 55.070. If a project or activity is exempt from any or all requirements of this chapter, an application should be filed listing the exemption criteria met, in lieu of the information requirements listed below. This level of detailed information is not required from individual lots, disturbing less than one acre of land, developed within a larger permitted project site. Review and acceptance of such lots is covered under § 55.082.
   (B)   The different elements of a permit submittal include construction plans, a stormwater drainage technical report, a stormwater pollution prevention plan for active construction sites, a post-construction stormwater pollution prevention plan, and any other necessary supporting information. All plans, reports, calculations, and narratives shall be signed and sealed by a professional engineer or a licensed surveyor, registered in the State of Indiana.
      (1)   Construction plans. Construction plan sheets (larger than 11 inches by 17 inches, but not to exceed 24 inches by 36 inches in size) shall describe and depict the existing and proposed conditions. Note that in order to gain an understanding of and to evaluate the relationship between the proposed improvements for a specific project section/phase and the proposed improvements for an overall multi-section (phased) project, the detailed information requested herein for the first section/phase being permitted must be accompanied by an overall project plan that includes the location, dimensions, and supporting analyses of all detention/retention facilities, primary conveyance facilities, and outlet conditions. Construction plans need to include items listed in the application checklist provided in the Town of Sellersburg Stormwater Technical Standards Manual.
      (2)   Stormwater drainage technical report. A written stormwater drainage technical report must contain a discussion of the steps taken in the design of the stormwater drainage system. Note that in order to gain an understanding of and to evaluate the relationship between the proposed improvements for a specific project section/phase and the proposed improvements for an overall multi-section (phased) project, the detailed information requested herein for the first section/phase being permitted must be accompanied by an overall project plan that includes the location, dimensions, and supporting analyses of all detention/retention facilities, primary conveyance facilities, and outlet conditions. The technical report needs to include items listed in the application checklist provided in the Town of Sellersburg Stormwater Technical Standards Manual.
      (3)   Stormwater pollution prevention plan (SWPPP) for construction sites. For sites with total disturbance of one acre or more, a stormwater pollution prevention plan associated with construction activities must be designed to, at least, meet the requirements of this chapter. The SWPPP and construction plans must include the items listed in the application checklist provided in the Town of Sellersburg Stormwater Technical Standards Manual. For land disturbances totaling 10,000 square feet or more of land area but less than one acre, appropriate erosion and sediment control measures that are consistent with the Town of Sellersburg Technical Standards must be designed and shown on the plans.
      (4)   Post-construction storm water pollution prevention plan. For sites with total land disturbance of 10,000 square feet or more of total land area, a post-construction stormwater pollution prevention plan must be designed to, at least, meet the requirements of this chapter and must include the information provided in the Town of Sellersburg Stormwater Technical Standards Manual. The post-construction storm water pollution prevention plan must include items listed in the application checklist provided in the Town of Sellersburg Stormwater Technical Standards Manual.
(Ord. 2021-OR-003, passed 1-11-21)
   Any changes or deviations in the detailed plans and specifications after approval of the applicable stormwater management permit shall be filed with, and accepted by, the Town of Sellersburg prior to the land development involving the change. Copies of the changes, if accepted, shall be attached to the original plans and specifications.
(Ord. 2021-OR-003, passed 1-11-21)