   The proceeds of connection fees collected are to be used as net revenues of the sewage works and as payment towards the cost of improving the works in the future.
(`93 Code, § 9-71) (Ord. 422, passed 4-14-86)
   (A)   Prior to performing any construction to connect to the new sewer system, all property owners must first obtain a sanitary sewer connection permit. There are two classes of sanitary sewer connection permits as follows:
      (1)   Residential permits shall be $20.
      (2)   Industrial and commercial permits shall be $50.
   (B)   In addition to the sanitary sewer connection permit, all property owners must also pay the user's fee.
(`93 Code, § 9-72) (Ord. 92-526, passed 4-27-92)
   (A)   The water hook-up fee for residential users shall be as set by Council ordinance, and the water hook-up fee for commercial users shall be as set by Council ordinance.
   (B)   In addition thereto, the meter deposit shall be:
      (1)   Residential users, $50; and
      (2)   Commercial users, $50.
(`93 Code, § 9-73) (Ord. 473, passed 11-13-89)
§ 53.114 TAP FEES.
   (A)   (1)   Except as outlined in division (A)(2) below, a sewer tap fee of $2,100 shall be levied against each residential (single-family) lot, parcel of real estate or building within the town's corporate boundaries that hereafter connects with the town's sewer system. A sewer tap fee of $2,800 shall be levied against each residential (single-family) lot, parcel of real estate or building outside the town's municipal limits which hereafter connects to the town's sewer system.
      (2)   A lot which was previously connected to the sewer system shall not be required to pay a sewer tap fee to reconnect if the reconnection is acceptable under town standards (as defined in Ordinance 92-526) and completed within six months of disconnection. After six months, a sewer tap fee of $800 shall be assessed for reconnection.
   (B)   The owner of any residential lot, parcel of real estate or building other than those parcels within the boundaries of a subdivision which: (1) has been approved by either the Sellersburg Building Commissioner and Plan Commission; and (2) meets all town or county qualifications an requirements for a subdivision, may make written application to the Town Council for the privilege of paying the total sewer tap fees in ten equal annual payments, plus interest at the statutory rate. In the event such deferred payment plan is accepted by the Town Council, the first annual payment shall accompany the application along with the appropriate inspection fee. The remaining principle shall accrue interest, at the statutory judgement rate, until full payment of all ten annual installments. Subdivision sewer shall not be eligible for the sewer tap fee deferred payment plan.
   (C)   Sewer tap fees for duplex multi-family units within the town's corporate boundaries shall be $2,800. Sewer tap fees for duplex multi-family units outside the town's municipal boundaries shall be $3,950. Multi-family units larger than a duplex shall incur an additional sewer tap fee of $230 per unit up to ten units. After ten units, each additional unit shall be assessed a sewer tap fee of $115.
   (D)   Sewer tap fees for commercial use within the town's municipal boundaries shall be $1,800 for each unit of 300 gallons of daily flow. Sewer tap fees for commercial use outside the town's municipal boundaries shall be $2,600 for each unit of 300 gallons of daily flow. One year after the initial commercial sewer connection, the Sewer Department shall calculate the actual average daily flow from the commercial user and shall adjust the sewer tap fee accordingly. Any additional tap fee, or any refund, shall be due and payable within 30 days after the calculation is completed.
   (E)   The Town Council shall determine the sewer tap fees for industrial uses on a case by case basis after considering the location of the facility, the quantity of flow and its quality.
   (F)   The Town Council has determined an expansion related charge of $1,100 shall be assessed, on a per Equivalent Dwelling Unit basis, to insure adequate funds for improving and replacing the works as prescribed by I.C. 36-9-23-25 for all sewer connections as prescribed in this section.
   (G)   In the event a sewer tap fee is paid in advance of connection to the town’s sewer system, and the connection to the town’s sewer system is not made within six months of the date the sewer tap fee was paid, the holder of sewer tap in permit shall be billed the current minimum sewer charge, plus a penalty of $50 per month until connection to the town’s sewer system is made.
   (H)   Inspection fees shall be paid in addition to tap fees.
(Ord. 97-664, passed 6-9-97; Am. Ord. 2001-017, passed 6-4-01; Am. Ord. 2001-019, passed 7-9-01; Am. Ord. 2004-008, passed 5-3-04; Am. Ord. 2014-013, passed 7-14-14)
   (A)   All individuals desiring to utilize the Town of Sellersburg sewer system and/or water utility shall be required to pay a one time non-refundable administrative fee in the amount of $55.
   (B)   The non-refundable administrative fee in the amount of $55 shall be used by the Town of Sellersburg Utility Billing Department to process the individual’s application for sewer service and/or water service and to set up the individual’s account though the Town of Sellersburg billing office.
   (C)   The $55 non-refundable administrative fee shall be waived for owners of rental property served by the Town of Sellersburg water and/or sewer, provided the owner of said rental property does not occupy or inhabit the residence and has paid the initial $55 non-refundable administrative fee.
(Ord. 2009-001, passed 2-23-09; Am. Ord. 2021-OR-022, passed 8-9-21)