(A) (1) The Sinking Fund shall be deposited in and maintained as a separate account or accounts from all other accounts of the town. The Operation and Maintenance Fund and the Sewage Works Improvement Fund may be maintained in a single account, or accounts, but the account, or accounts, shall likewise be maintained separate and apart from all other accounts of the town and apart from the Sinking Fund account or accounts.
(2) All monies deposited in the accounts shall be deposited, held and secured as public funds in accordance with the public depository laws of the state; provided that monies therein may be invested in obligations in accordance with the applicable laws, including particularly I.C. 5-13, as amended or supplemented, and in the event of the investment the income therefrom shall become a part of the funds invested and shall be used only as provided in this section.
(B) Nothing in this section or elsewhere in this section shall be construed to require that separate bank accounts be established and maintained for the funds and accounts created by this section.
(`93 Code, § 9-134) (Ord. 95-627, passed - -95)
(A) The following charges shall be in effect for sewer hook-ups to individual homes, churches, duplexes, apartments, nursing homes, service stations, schools, hospitals, commercial, professional, library, industrial and other buildings.
(1) Homes, $450 per home;
(2) Churches, $450 per church;
(3) Duplex, $675 per duplex;
(4) Apartments, $180 per each apartment;
(5) Nursing homes, $180 per each bed;
(6) Service stations, $900;
(7) Schools, $22.50 per student; and
(8) Hospitals, $45 per bed.
(B) For commercial, professional, library, industrial and the like, these connection fees shall be computed on the square footage of the building facilities as follows:
(1) One to 2,499 square feet, $450;
(2) 2,500 to 3,999 square feet, $675;
(3) 4,000 to 7,499 square feet, $900;
(4) 7,500 to 14,999 square feet, $1,125;
(5) 15,000 to 39,999 square feet, $1,350;
(6) 40,000 to 49,999 square feet, $1,575; and
(7) 50,000 square feet and over, $.04 per square foot.
(`93 Code, § 9-70) (Ord. 459-A, passed 12-12-88)
(A) Prior to performing any construction to connect to the new sewer system, all property owners must first obtain a sanitary sewer connection permit. There are two classes of sanitary sewer connection permits as follows:
(1) Residential permits shall be $20.
(2) Industrial and commercial permits shall be $50.
(B) In addition to the sanitary sewer connection permit, all property owners must also pay the user's fee.
(`93 Code, § 9-72) (Ord. 92-526, passed 4-27-92)