This Charter will be submitted to the electors of the Municipality at the general election to be held on the 6th day of November, A.D. 1979; and, if it be approved by majority of the electors voting thereon, said Charter shall become effective for all purposes on the 1st day of January, A.D. 1980.
After the effective date of this Charter, the offices of Village Clerk, Treasurer, Members of the Board of Trustees of Public Affairs, and Clerk of the Board of Trustees of Public Affairs as established under the general laws of the State of Ohio applicable to statutory villages, shall continue only until such time as a person is appointed to the office of Manager pursuant to Section 5.01 of this Charter; and during such period of continuance after January 1st, 1980, the persons occupying such offices shall exercise the powers and perform the duties of such offices as established by the general laws of the State of Ohio applicable to statutory villages. At such time as the Council shall appoint a Manager pursuant to Section 5.01 of this Charter, the said offices of Village Clerk, Treasurer, Members of the Board of Trustees of Public Affairs, and Clerk of the Board of Trustees of Public Affairs as the same are established under the general laws of the State of Ohio applicable to statutory villages, shall be abolished; and the unexpired terms of the persons holding such offices shall expire, terminate, and end; and, in any event and notwithstanding the foregoing, such offices shall be abolished, and the unexpired terms of the persons holding such offices shall expire, terminate and end not later than the 31st day of December, A.D. 1980.
The person elected to the office of Mayor as established under the general laws of the State of Ohio applicable to statutory villages, at the general election held on November 6th, 1979 shall be the first Mayor-President of Council under this Charter; and he shall exercise all of the powers and discharge all of the duties of said office as established by the provisions of this Charter during his term of office, which term shall commence on the effective date of this Charter, and shall terminate on the 31st day of December, 1983. In addition to the foregoing, the first Mayor-President of Council shall, to the extent not inconsistent with the other provisions of this Charter, exercise the executive powers of the Mayor of a statutory village as established under the general laws of the State of Ohio, until such time as a person is appointed to the office of Manager pursuant to Section 5.01 of this Charter. At such time as the Council shall appoint a Manager pursuant to Section 5.01 of this Charter, said additional executive powers of the Mayor of a statutory village as established under the general laws of the State of Ohio, shall terminate; and henceforth, the Mayor-President of Council shall exercise only those powers and discharge only those duties as are established for said office under the various provisions of this Charter; and, in any event and notwithstanding the foregoing, said additional executive powers of the Mayor of a statutory village shall terminate not later than the 31st day of December, A.D. 1980.
The persons holding the offices of members of the Council under the general laws of the State of Ohio applicable to statutory villages as of the effective date of this Charter, shall constitute the first Council under this Charter; and they shall exercise all of the powers and discharge all of the duties of said office as established by the provisions of this Charter, during their terms of office, which terms shall be as follows: the terms of the two (2) members of the Council who were elected at the general election held on November 6th, 1979, shall commence on the effective date of this Charter, and shall terminate on the 31st day of December, 1983; the terms of the four (4) members of the Council who were elected at the general election held on November 8th, 1977, shall commence on the effective date of this Charter, and shall terminate on the 31st day of December, 1981.
The person holding the office of Solicitor as established under the general laws of the State of Ohio applicable to statutory villages, shall be the first Solicitor under this Charter and he shall execute all of the powers and discharge all of the duties of said office as established by the provisions of this Charter from and after the effective date of this Charter. The terms of the office of the members of the Planning and Zoning Commission and the Playgrounds and Recreation Board as the same have been established under the general laws of the State of Ohio applicable to statutory villages and by ordinances enacted pursuant thereto and in force on the effective date of this Charter, shall expire, terminate, and end on the effective date of this Charter; and the members of the Planning Commission and the Park and Recreation Board as the same are established by this Charter shall be appointed in accordance with the provisions of sections 7.01 and 7.06 of this Charter for terms commencing on the effective date of this Charter.
Except as otherwise provided by this Charter, all other persons holding office at the time this Charter becomes effective shall continue in office and in the performance of their duties until provision shall have been otherwise made in accordance with this Charter for the performance or discontinuance of the duties of any such office. When such provision shall have been made, the term of any such officer shall expire and the office shall be abolished. The powers which are conferred, and the duties which are imposed upon any officer, body, commission, board, department, or division of the Municipality under the general laws of the State of Ohio applicable to statutory villages, or under any municipal ordinance or contract in force at the time this Charter becomes effective, shall, if such officer, body, commission, board, department, or division be abolished by this Charter, be thereafter exercised and discharged by the officer, body, commission, board, department, or division upon whom or which are imposed corresponding functions, powers, and duties by this Charter or by any legislation thereafter enacted by the Council.
Every employee of the Municipal Government as of the effective date of this Charter shall continue in such employment; and thereafter, shall be subject in all respects to the provisions of this Charter, and ordinances, resolutions, rules or regulations enacted or promulgated thereunder.