Landscape requirements. Interior and perimeter landscaping shall be provided for all parking facilities larger than 6,000 square feet to buffer the facility from surrounding properties and rights-of-way; reduce the environmental effects of large, hard-surfaced area; and improve the retention and absorption of storm water runoff. Parking facilities with an area less than 6,000 square feet shall be exempt from the interior landscaping requirements; parking facilities under 2,000 square feet shall be exempt from both perimeter and interior landscaping requirements.
   (A)   Perimeter landscaping requirements.
      (1)   Each off-street parking facility shall provide a minimum landscaped buffer of ten feet with a three feet minimum screen along any street property line.
         (a)   Perimeter landscaping required depth may be reduced not to less than five feet in order to meet off-street parking requirements.
      (2)   Each parking facility that abuts a residential district shall provide a 20 foot landscaped buffer along its common property line with the residential district.
      (3)   A parking facility which abuts property in a residential district shall provide a fence, wall, landscape screen, or earth berm not less than four feet in height for the length of the common boundary. A grade change, terrace, or other site feature which blocks the sight line of headlights into a residential property may satisfy this requirement, subject to the determination of the City Planner.
      (4)   Landscaping or screening installed in any required landscaped area shall not obstruct the view from the off-street parking facility to any driveway approach, street, alley, or sidewalk. Landscaping shall further not obstruct any views among parking spaces and circulation ways, or visibility between vehicles and pedestrians. (See § 25-2-104.1 for sight triangle requirements).
   (B)   Interior landscaping requirements.
      (1)   Each parking facility of over 6,000 square feet shall provide interior landscaped area equal to no less than 5% of the total paved area of the parking facility.
         (a)   Parking facilities within the M-1 and M-2 Districts shall be exempt from this requirement.
      (2)   Interior and endcap landscape islands shall not be less than nine feet in width and 18 feet in length for a single row of parking spaces, or 36 feet in length for a double row of spaces with five foot curb radii at both ends.
      (3)   Corner landscape islands shall be defined by extensions of the edges of intersection parking spaces.
      (4)   Landscape islands shall be evenly distributed to the maximum extent possible.
      (5)   Landscape strips may be used in place of individual interior landscape islands if they comply with the following standards:
         (a)   The minimum width of a landscape strip shall be six feet and the minimum length shall be 70 feet.
         (b)   The landscape strip shall contain a minimum of one tree every 18 feet or at least 50% vegetative cover other than turf grass.
         (c)   Wheel stops shall be placed in a location to prevent vehicles from overhanging the landscape strip more than 12 inches.
   (C)   Planting requirements.
      (1)   Each interior or endcap island shall be planted with a minimum of:
         (a)   One large tree or two small trees; and
         (b)   With the remaining area in groundcover, which may be sod, ornamental grasses, organic mulch, or perennial or seasonal plantings, or shrubs spaced in accordance with common horticultural practices. Rock mulch may only be used if pre-approved by the City Planner.
      (2)   Each parking facility corner island shall be planted with two large trees or five small trees spaced in accordance with common horticultural practices, with the remaining area in groundcover, which may be sod, ornamental grasses, organic mulch, or perennial or seasonal plantings, or shrubs spaced in accordance with common horticultural practices. Rock mulch may only be used if pre-approved by the City Planner.
      (3)   Each perimeter landscaping bed shall be planted with a minimum of one tree for every 500 square feet, spaced in accordance with common horticultural practices, with the remaining area in groundcover, which may be sod, ornamental grasses, organic mulch, or perennial or seasonal plantings, or shrubs spaced in accordance with common horticultural practices. Rock mulch may only be used if pre- approved by the City Planner.
      (4)   Trees shall meet the size requirements listed under § 25-22-4.
(Ord. 4280, passed 4-4-2022)