(A)   List of recommended and prohibited plant material. Plantings shall be consistent with the List of Recommended and Prohibited Plant Materials provided by the Scottsbluff Park, Cemetery, & Tree Board through the Department of Development Services. All plant materials in required landscape areas including but not limited to street yard landscaping, bufferyards, screening, and parking lot landscaping, shall conform in size, species, and spacing with this section of the article.
   (B)   Plant selection.
      (1)   The overall landscape plan shall not contain more than 33% of any one plant species.
      (2)   All landscape plans must use at least 50% native and/or drought tolerant plant materials to be installed, as appropriate for their location.
   (C)   Minimum plant sizes.
      (1)   Evergreen trees shall be a minimum of four feet in height, measured from the top of the root ball to the top of the tree.
      (2)   Streetscape, or large, deciduous trees shall be a one and one-half inches caliper or larger, measured twelve inches above the root ball.
      (3)   Small, or ornamental, deciduous trees shall be a one and one-half inches caliper or larger, measured 12 inches above the root ball.
   (D)   Use of inorganic landscaping materials.
      (1)   No artificial trees, shrubs, plants, or turf shall be used to fulfill the minimum requirements for landscaping.
      (2)   Inorganic materials, such as stone or decorative pavers, may be used provided that such material does not comprise more than 35% of the minimum required landscaped area.
      (3)   Other concrete and/or asphalt pavement surfaces may not be used within the minimum required landscaped area, except for walkways and driveways.
      (4)   Loose rock shall not be permitted within any required landscaped area which is within ten feet of a traveled street surface or sidewalk as defined under Chapter 22 of the Municipal Code.
   (E)   Upon installation of required landscape materials, each owner shall take appropriate actions to ensure their continued health and maintenance. Required landscaping that does not remain healthy shall be replaced consistently with this section and the approved landscaping plan for the project.
(Ord. 4280, passed 4-4-2022)