1-5-1: Defined
1-5-2: Powers, Generally Described
1-5-3: Quorum Defined
1-5-4: Meetings
1-5-5: Compensation
1-5-6: Ordinances
1-5-7: Vacancy In Office Of Mayor
1-5-1: DEFINED:
"City council", as used in this code, is defined as the mayor and council members of the city. (1983 Code § 1-201)
The city council shall have all powers granted by the laws of the state to cities of the second class. The mayor shall have all powers granted by the laws of the State of Kansas. (1983 Code § 1-202; amd. Ord. 1208, 9-21-2020)
A "quorum" is a number of persons legally necessary to do business. A number less than a quorum is authorized to adjourn the meeting from day to day and may compel the attendance of absentees. A majority of the council members elected shall constitute a quorum for the conducting of the business of the city council. (1983 Code § 1-206)
1-5-4: MEETINGS:
   A.   Presiding Officer: The mayor shall preside at all meetings of the city council. (1983 Code § 1-207)
   B.   Regular: The city council shall hold a regular meeting on the first and third Monday of every month at six thirty o'clock (6:30) P.M. in the council chamber at the city hall. If any such day shall fall upon a city designated holiday, such meeting will be held on the next succeeding business day.
   C.   Special:
      1.   Request; Number Of Council Members: A special meeting is one held at a time other than set for the regular meeting, and for some special purpose which is urgent in its nature. The mayor, at his or her discretion, may call a special meeting after receiving the written request of three (3) or more council members. The acting mayor (the president of the city council) may also call a special meeting on the written request of three (3) or more council members even though the acting mayor is one of the council members signing the request.
      2.   Object, Purpose; Business Specified In Request: The request must specify the object and purpose of the meeting, and must be read at the meeting and entered at length on the journal. Only the business specified in the request can be considered at the special meeting.
      3.   Discretion Of Mayor To Request: The mayor is not required to call a special meeting and may or may not call it after receiving a request.
      4.   Call Not Required In Writing: The call may not necessarily be in writing. (1983 Code § 1-205) (Ord. 855, 8-6-1984; amd. Ord. 1253, 2-21-2023)
   A.   Meeting Attendance Fees: Elected members of the city council and the elected mayor shall be allowed and paid a fee of two hundred dollars ($200.00) for each lawfully called regular meeting of the city council actually attended.
   B.   Special Meeting Attendance Fees: Elected members of the city council, the elected mayor, the appointed city clerk and city attorney shall be allowed and paid a fee of two hundred dollars ($200.00) for each lawfully called special meeting actually attended.
   C.   Mayor: The mayor shall be paid an additional fee of one hundred dollars ($100.00) per month for each month served as mayor. (Ord. 1136, 2-4-2013)
   A.   Powers; Purpose: The city council shall have the power to pass, amend or repeal ordinances which are not in violation or conflict with the laws of the state, for the purpose of:
      1.   Levying taxes and making expenditures and controlling the financial matters of the city.
      2.   The preservation of peace.
      3.   Promoting and controlling business and commerce.
      4.   Protecting the citizens from vice and immorality.
      5.   Promoting the health and welfare of the citizens.
      6.   Carrying into effect the above enumerated powers.
   B.   Consideration: All ordinances of a city shall be considered at a public meeting of the governing body except as otherwise herein provided or where state law provides a different procedure for an ordinance for a specific purpose.
   C.   Passage: The vote on any ordinance, except as otherwise provided herein, shall be by yeas and nays, which shall be entered on the journal by the clerk. No ordinance shall be valid unless a majority of all the members elect of the council vote in favor thereof; provided, that where the number of favorable votes is one less than required, the mayor shall have power to cast the deciding vote in favor of the ordinance.
   D.   Subject; Title: No ordinance shall be passed containing more than one subject and the title shall clearly express the subject to which the ordinance pertains.
   E.   Ordaining Clause: Every ordinance will have the following clause following the ordinance title: "Be it ordained by the Governing Body of the City of Scott City, Kansas".
   F.   Mayor Approval; Veto: The mayor has the power to approve or veto any ordinance, except he cannot veto an appropriation ordinance or any ordinance on which he has cast the deciding vote. An ordinance must be passed over his veto.
   G.   Verification Of Passage: All ordinances passed as provided in this section shall bear the following:
PASSED by the Governing Body this            day of                      , 20     .
City Clerk      Mayor
(Ord. 1106, 11-2-2009)