   The occupant of every dwelling unit and of every institutional, commercial or business, industrial or other establishment producing solid waste within the corporate limits of the town shall provide sufficient and adequate containers for the storage of all solid waste to serve such dwelling unit or establishment during the intervals between regular collections, and shall maintain such solid waste containers at all times in good repair and the area in which they are stored in a clean, neat and sanitary condition.
(1992 Code, § 51.20)  (Ord. passed 4-8-1982)  Penalty, see § 51.99
   Residential solid waste shall be stored in containers of not more than 35 gallons, nor less than 20 gallons in nominal capacity. Containers shall be leak-proof, waterproof and fitted with a secure lid, and shall be properly covered at all times, except when depositing waste therein or removing the contents thereof. The container shall have handles, bails or other suitable lifting devices or features. Containers shall be of a type originally manufactured for residential solid wastes with tapered sides for easy emptying. They shall be of lightweight and sturdy construction. The weight of any individual container and contents shall not exceed 75 pounds. Galvanized metal, rubber, fiberglass or plastic containers which do not become brittle in cold weather may be used.
(1992 Code, § 51.21)  (Ord. passed 4-8-1982)  Penalty, see § 51.99
   (A)   Residential solid waste containers and recycling containers shall be located at the curb line of the street and shall be easily and safely accessible to pedestrian traffic from the street, or can be placed in an approved frame. Containers shall not be placed in an artificially sunken or below-ground location, or on a porch, or stoop or raised deck.
   (B)   Trash and recycling receptacles shall not be permanently located on town rights-of-way, and they shall be serviced only if placed immediately next to the curbside on the proper collection day.
(1992 Code, § 51.22)  (Ord. passed 4-8-1982)  Penalty, see § 51.99
   Any solid wastes which are dangerous to handle by solid waste collectors, such as glass, fluorescent tubes, vacuum tubes, light bulbs, sharp pieces of metal or hypodermic syringes, shall be securely wrapped and marked with a visible warning.
(1992 Code, § 51.23)  (Ord. passed 4-8-1982)  Penalty, see § 51.99
§ 51.24  YARD WASTE.
   Any person desiring to place yard waste for collection shall place it behind the curb line at the street, and it shall be collected on Wednesday or by appointment by telephone to the utility office. No yard waste, garbage, leaves, limbs or other debris shall be placed upon or project over any traveled portion of any street. From November 1 through March 31, leaves may be placed for collection at the curb line in loose piles comprised exclusively of leaves. After April 1, leaves shall be placed in bags or containers not to exceed 75 pounds. Christmas trees may be placed for collection at the curb line between December 27 and January 9 of each year. Burning of yard waste of any kind is prohibited.
(1992 Code, § 51.24)  (Ord. passed 4-8-1982)  Penalty, see § 51.99
   Commercial solid waste shall be stored in bulk containers or other solid waste containers of such size, type and number approved by the Public Works Director, and which are compatible with the town’s waste collection equipment. The containers shall be waterproof, leak-proof and shall be covered at all times, except when depositing waste therein or removing the contents thereof. Containers shall be placed in locations approved by the Public Works Director, and which are conveniently accessible to waste collection equipment and Fire Department personnel and equipment.
(1992 Code, § 51.25)  (Ord. passed 4-8-1982)  Penalty, see § 51.99
   (A)   Construction and demolition wastes shall be collected, removed and disposed of by the contractor or builder, or in event of their failure, by the occupant of the property.
   (B)   The placement of construction and roofing material at the curb is prohibited.
   (C)   Whoever violates any provision of this section shall be subject to a penalty as provided in § 51.99.
(1992 Code, § 51.26)  (Ord. passed 4-8-1982)  Penalty, see § 51.99