All slops or similar organic waste substances or other insect- and rodent-attracting refuse shall be kept in galvanized waterproof receptacles, which are closed with tight-fitting lids and equipped with handles, and so placed as to be accessible and easily handled for removal. All receptacles shall be standard garbage size cans or of a size approved by the Superintendent of Utilities. In size and number they shall be sufficient to hold waste accumulation of seven days; except that commercial establishments shall have sufficient cans to hold two days’ accumulation.
(1992 Code, § 51.05) (Ord. passed 8-12-1948) Penalty, see § 51.99
Before being placed on the curb for removal, all garbage cans shall be drained of all liquid and such liquid disposed of through the town’s sewer system or in a manner acceptable to the town authorities.
(1992 Code, § 51.06) (Ord. passed 8-12-1948) Penalty, see § 51.99
Garbage receptacles shall be provided by each family or establishment. It shall be the duty of each family or establishment to keep all garbage cans in a sanitary condition and free of offensive odors, as well as the areas surrounding cans.
(1992 Code, § 51.07) (Ord. passed 8-12-1948) Penalty, see § 51.99