General Provisions
72.01 Obedience to no-parking zone markers required
72.02 Parking of trucks used for transportation of hogs prohibited
Method of Standing, Stopping and Parking
72.15 Parking within lines
72.16 Backing out of parking spaces prohibited
Parking Prohibited for Specified Purposes
72.30 Parking a vehicle to display it for sale prohibited
72.31 Parking to advertise prohibited
72.32 Parking a vehicle for the purpose of storage
72.33 Parking detached trailer or van for the purpose of storage prohibited
72.34 Parking to wash or repair vehicle prohibited
Stopping, Standing or Parking Prohibited or Restricted in Specified Places
72.45 Parking in park or athletic field prohibited; exceptions
72.46 Parking within fire lanes prohibited
Administration and Enforcement
72.60 Removal and impoundment of improperly parked vehicles
72.99 Penalty