71.01 Definitions
71.02 Regulations
71.03 Exemptions
71.04 Marking
71.05 Enforcement
71.20 Adoption of state statutes
71.21 Snowmobiles prohibited on sidewalks
71.22 Snowmobiles prohibited in certain parks and playground areas
Skateboards and Roller Skates
71.35 Definitions
71.36 Use on private property
71.37 Use on public property
71.38 Negligent operation
71.39 Right-of-way
71.99 Penalty
For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
BONE LAKE. A body of water given that name and assigned the Lake No. 82-54 by the Department of Natural Resources.
HIGH WATER. For Bone Lake, shall mean water elevations in excess of 909.1 feet above mean sea level, as reflected by the gauge reading at 238th Street, east of the boat landing.
OPERATE. To navigate or otherwise use a watercraft.
PERSON. Includes an individual, partnership, limited liability company, corporation, or any body of persons, whether incorporated or formed into an association.
SLOW-NO WAKE. The operation of a watercraft at the lowest possible speed necessary to maintain steerage and in no case greater than five mph.
WATERCRAFT. As defined in M.S. § 86B.005, subd. 18, as it may be amended from time to time.
(Ord. 155, passed 11-18-2014)
(A) During periods of high water, no person shall operate a watercraft at a greater than a slow-no wake speed within 300 feet of the shoreline of Bone Lake.
(B) Once enacted and upon lake levels falling again below high water, a three-day waiting period will commence, with the slow-no wake restriction being removed only if the water remains below the designated levels for the entire three-day duration. If at any time during the three-day waiting period a high water condition again exists, a new slow-no wake restriction will begin.
(Ord. 155, passed 11-18-2014) Penalty, see § 71.99