Soil Erosion Control
   150.01   Authority
   150.02   Purpose
   150.03   Scope
   150.04   Definitions
   150.05   Excessive soil loss prohibited
   150.06   Exemptions
   150.07   Complaint
   150.08   District determination of soil loss
   150.09   Notice of excessive soil loss
   150.10   Forward complaint to City Attorney
   150.11   District court hearing
   150.12   District assistance
   150.13   Cost-share application
   150.14   Sedimentation control plan for development activities
   150.15   Variance
   150.16   More restrictive standard controls
   150.17   Adoption of state law
Agricultural and Wildlife Habitat Land
   150.30   Purpose and intent
   150.31   Definitions
   150.32   Identification of preservation of heritage land
   150.33   Feasibility reports for public improvements
   150.34   Location of public improvements
   150.35   Application for preservation heritage land status
   150.36   Special assessments
   150.37   Residence on heritage land
   150.38   Policy applicability
   150.39   Withdrawal of land as preservation heritage land
   150.99   Penalty
§ 150.01 AUTHORITY.
   This subchapter is enacted pursuant to M.S. Ch. 40A, as it may be amended from time to time.
(Ord. 30, passed 1-20-1990)
§ 150.02 PURPOSE.
   The purpose of this subchapter is to encourage and guide the use of land in accordance with its capabilities, to treat it according to its needs, to prevent the degradation of lands, streams, and rivers, and to protect and promote the health, safety, and general welfare of the people of the city.
(Ord. 30, passed 1-20-1990)
§ 150.03 SCOPE.
   This subchapter, and soil loss limits specified in this subchapter, applies to all land within the city, including, but not limited to, agricultural land, woodland, pasture land, and land subject to development activity.
(Ord. 30, passed 1-20-1990)