A.   Junk Dealers:
      1.   No person, firm, or corporation shall be licensed as a junk dealer who has been convicted of any of the following offenses:
         a.   "Theft", as defined in 720 Illinois Compiled Statutes 5/16-1.
         b.   Violation of any penal provision of the copper purchase registration law, 815 Illinois Compiled Statutes 325/1 et seq.
         c.   The purchasing or receiving of any goods from a minor, as prohibited by 720 Illinois Compiled Statutes 345/1 and 345/2. (Ord. 86-3-1, 3-31-1986; amd. 2009 Code)
         d.   Any felony, the commission of which involved the operation or ownership of a junkyard or the dismantling or wrecking of a motor vehicle or motorboat or part thereof.
      2.   Any license issued or renewed contrary to the provisions of subsection A1 of this section shall be null and void from date of issuance or renewal.
      3.   Any licensee convicted of any offense listed in subsection A1 of this section shall surrender said license within three (3) days of said conviction, and said license shall be null and void from the date of said conviction.
   B.   Junkyards:
      1.   No real estate shall be licensed as a junkyard unless and until the same shall be enclosed by a fence of not less than eight feet (8') nor more than ten feet (10') in height and constructed of such material and in such manner as to screen from sight, by any person outside said junkyard and at ground level, all junk located therein.
      2.   No junkyard shall occupy more than two (2) platted lots of the village.
      3.   No junkyard shall be located within one hundred fifty feet (150') of any residence other than that of the operating junk dealer. (Ord. 86-3-1, 3-31-1986)