After approval of the preliminary plat, the developer may prepare and submit to the village board the final plat incorporating all required modifications to the preliminary plat. There shall be no delinquent taxes or assessments against the property within the subdivision at the time the plat is approved. During the final stage, the following actions shall be taken:
   A.   Filing Of Final Plat: After he has entered into a contract with the village board, guaranteed by a bond, by which he agrees to provide utilities and improvements to the satisfaction of the village engineer and village board, the developer shall file with the village president, within twelve (12) months of the date of approval or conditional approval of the preliminary plat, unless such period is extended by the village board, the final plat and three (3) reproductions thereof, which shall conform to the requirements of article B of this chapter, and three (3) copies of documents, plans and specifications meeting the requirements of said article B. A drainage report conforming to section 9-4-9 of this title shall accompany said plat. The president shall forthwith transmit all copies of the final plat to the village board and village engineer.
   B.   Action By Village Board:
      1.   The village board of trustees shall approve or disapprove the final plat and accept or reject the areas preserved for or dedicated to the public within sixty (60) days of its submission to the village board unless the developer is notified of objections to the plat or the time is extended by agreement with the developer.
      2.   After the final plat has been approved by the village board of trustees, the president, the village engineer, and the village clerk shall sign the plat and return it to the developer. Copies of the plat shall also be transmitted to the village board, village attorney, village engineer, and village clerk for their files.
   C.   Action By Developer: Upon receipt of the final plat approval by the village board of trustees, the developer shall record the plat with the county recorder's office within ninety (90) days of the date of the village board of trustees' action and provide proof of recording to the village clerk. Failure to record the final plat within ninety (90) days will void the village board of trustees' action and necessitate reinstitution of the final plat procedure in accordance with the provisions of this section. (Ord., 12-27-2007)