A.   Filing Preliminary Plat: The developer shall prepare a preliminary plat of the proposed subdivision in accordance with the requirements of article A of this chapter, and shall file with the president and/or village engineer an application in writing for the tentative approval of said plat accompanied by a reproducible subdivision drawing and five (5) black and white prints or other acceptable reproductions at least twenty (20) days prior to the meeting of the village board at which action is desired.
   B.   Action By President And/Or Village Engineer: The president and/or village engineer shall transmit copies of the preliminary plat to the village engineer and other village officials and other agencies as deemed necessary by the village board for their recommendations. These recommendations in respect thereto shall be submitted to the village board no later than five (5) days before the meeting at which the preliminary plat will be reviewed.
   C.   Action By Village Board:
      1.   A preliminary plat shall be reviewed by the village board to determine its conformity to this title, the comprehensive land use plan (once created and enacted), and all other ordinances and regulations in force which affect subdivisions.
      2.   Upon submission of the preliminary plat to the village board, the village board shall schedule a public hearing giving not less than fifteen (15) days' notice. Each hearing shall be conducted and the records of the proceedings and hearing shall be made and preserved in a manner and according to such procedures as the village board shall prescribe from time to time by its rules.
      3.   The village board shall, within forty five (45) days of the receipt of an application for the approval of a preliminary plat, approve or disapprove the plat, or approve it with modifications, noting thereon any changes that will be required. If agreed to by the developer, the time may be extended for no more than thirty (30) days, after which one copy shall be returned to the developer with the date of the approval or disapproval, and the reason therefor, accompanying the plat.
      4.   If the preliminary plat as originally submitted, or as changed or modified, as required by the village board, meets the requirements of this title, the village board shall give tentative approval. Within thirty (30) days of receipt of the preliminary plat, the village board shall approve or disapprove the plat. If the preliminary plat is disapproved, objections thereto shall be noted, and it shall be returned to the developer. If it is approved, the village clerk shall affix his signature thereto with the notation that it has received village board approval, and it shall then be returned to the developer for compliance with final approval requirements.
   D.   Rights Of Applicant: Preliminary approval by the village board shall give the applicant the following rights for a twelve (12) month period from the date of approval:
      1.   That the general terms and conditions under which the preliminary approval was granted will not be changed by the village.
      2.   That the applicant may submit on or before the expiration date the whole or parts of the preliminary approved plat for final approval. (Ord., 12-27-2007)