Prior to the submission of a preliminary plat of any proposed subdivision within the jurisdiction of the village, the developer shall make known his intentions to the village president and board of trustees. During this preliminary or preapplication stage, the following actions shall be taken:
   A.   Action By Developer: The developer shall meet informally with the president and/or village engineer for the purpose of presenting a general outline of his proposal, including, but not limited to:
      1.   Written notification of "letter of intent" from the developer to the village, establishing the developer's intentions as to development of the land.
      2.   A sketch of plans and ideas regarding land use, street and lot arrangement, and tentative lot sizes.
      3.   Tentative proposals regarding water supply, sewage disposal, surface drainage, and street improvements.
      4.   Evidence of consultation with, and tentative approval of, public utility companies concerned.
   B.   Action By President And/Or Village Engineer: The president and/or village engineer shall discuss the proposed subdivision with the developer and advise him of procedural steps, design and improvement standards, and general plat requirements, after which the president and/or village engineer shall proceed with the following investigations:
      1.   Advise the developer of existing village plans which might affect the proposed subdivision.
      2.   Check the existing zoning of the tract and make recommendations if a zoning change is necessary or desirable.
      3.   Determine the adequacy of existing or proposed schools, parks, and other public spaces.
      4.   Inspect the site or otherwise determine its relationship to major streets, utility systems and adjacent land uses, and determine any unusual problems in regard to topography, utilities, flooding, etc.
      5.   Consult with the village engineer regarding improvements and standards.
   C.   Action By Village: Upon receipt of the letter and official acknowledgment of same, and upon certification by the president and/or village engineer that the discussions and investigations described in subsection B of this section have been completed, the village shall authorize the developer, in writing, to prepare and submit his preliminary plat. (Ord., 12-27-2007)