Any person hereafter subdividing any parcel of land, block, lot or sublot, or any part thereof, in the village, or outside its corporate limits but within one and one-half (11/2) miles thereof, shall make a map or plat thereof, and before recording the same in the county recorder's office, shall submit it, with a duplicate thereof, to the president and board of trustees for approval or rejection. No such map or plat shall be approved as aforesaid until the same shall have been properly certified by a surveyor and acknowledged by the owner. If approved, such approval shall be certified thereon, and signed by the president and attested by the clerk, and no such map or plat shall be valid or entitled to record until it shall have been approved as aforesaid. In planning and developing a subdivision within the corporate limits of the village, the developer shall respect the procedure of this chapter. (Ord., 12-27-2007)