Every owner of and every person in control of any estate hereafter maintaining a sidewalk vault, coal hole, manhole or any other excavation, or any post, pole, sign, awning, wire, pipe, conduit or other structure in, under, over or upon any street which is adjacent to or a part of his or her estate shall do so only on condition that the maintenance shall be considered as an agreement on his or her part with the city to keep the same and the covers thereof, and any gas and electric boxes and tubes thereon, in good repair and condition at all times during his or her ownership or control thereof, and to indemnify and save harmless the city against all damages or actions at law that may arise or be brought by reason of the excavation or structure being under, over, in or upon the street, or being unfastened, out off repair or defective during the ownership or control.
Penalty, see § 96.99
(A) No opening in or through any curb of any street shall be made without first obtaining a written permit from the Superintendent.
(B) Curb cuts and sidewalk driveway crossings to provide access to private property shall comply with the following:
(1) No single curb cut shall exceed 25 feet nor be less than ten feet at the street line nor less than eight feet at the outside sidewalk line;
(2) The minimum distance between any curb cut and a public crosswalk shall be five feet;
(3) The minimum distance between curb cuts, except those serving residential property, shall be 25 feet;
(4) The maximum number of lineal feet of sidewalk driveway crossings permitted for any lot, parcel of land, business or enterprise shall be 45% of the total abutting street frontage up to and including 200 lineal feet of street frontage plus 20% of the lineal feet of street frontage in excess of 200 feet;
(5) The necessary adjustments to utility poles, light standards, fire hydrants, catch basins, street or railway signs, signals or other public improvements or installations shall be accomplished without cost to the city; and
(6) Driveways over sidewalk lines shall be of concrete at least six inches thick. Driveway aprons between the sidewalk and the street shall be of concrete six inches thick.
Penalty, see § 96.99
(A) Encroachments and obstructions in the street may be removed and excavations refilled and the expense of the removal or refilling charged to the abutting land owner when made or permitted by him or her or suffered to remain by him or her otherwise than in accordance with the terms and conditions of this chapter.
Penalty, see § 96.99
(A) The Superintendent shall have authority to temporarily close any street, or portion thereof, when he or she shall deem the street to be unsafe or temporarily unsuitable for use for any reason. He or she shall cause suitable barriers and signs to be erected on the street, indicating that the same is closed to public travel.
(B) When any street or portion thereof shall have been closed to public travel, no person shall drive any vehicle upon or over the street except as the same may be necessary incidentally to any street repair or construction work being done in the area closed to public travel.
(C) No person shall move or interfere with any sign or barrier erected pursuant to this section without authority from the Superintendent.
Penalty, see § 96.99