(A) No person shall keep, possess, or house any animal within the city except dogs, cats, canaries or other animals or birds which are commonly kept and housed inside dwellings as household pets. No person shall keep, house, or possess more than four dogs of licensable age (six months old or older) on any lot or parcel.
(B) Provided, that cows, horses, mules or fowl kept, fenced or housed more than 125 feet from any dwelling of any person other than the one upon whose premises they are kept or housed, and animals or fowl kept, fenced or housed on premises used and occupied as one parcel of land regularly devoted to or zoned for agricultural purposes and consisting of not less than ten acres shall be exempt from the provisions of this section.
(Am. Ord. 150126-1, passed 1-26-2015) Penalty, see § 10.99
No person shall permit any domestic animal, or any goose, chicken or other fowl, to run or be at large upon public streets, lanes, alleys, vacant lots or other open or public places, nor upon any private premises other than the premises of the owner or custodian of the domestic animal or fowl, without the consent of the owner or occupant of the private premises; provided, however, that any such domestic animal may be led about outside the premises of the owner thereof on a suitable leash in the immediate control of a competent person.
Penalty, see § 10.99
(A) Seizure. Any city or county peace or dog control officer may seize any animal or fowl running at large in the city in violation of the provisions of this chapter.
(B) Impoundment upon seizure. Any animal or fowl seized under the provisions of this chapter shall be placed in a pound or delivered to the County Humane Society. All animals or fowl not claimed within 48 hours shall be disposed of by the custodial authority. It shall be lawful to kill any animal or fowl running at large in violation of this chapter which cannot be seized or captured in a reasonable manner. The city and the enforcing officer shall incur no liability in the lawful seizure or disposal of any animal or fowl.
No person shall overwork, torture, torment, deprive of necessary sustenance, cruelly beat, mutilate or cruelly kill any animal. Any person having custody of any animal shall provide the same with proper food, drink, shelter or protection from the weather and elements.
Penalty, see § 10.99
Statutory reference:
Cruelty to animals, see M.C.L.A. § 750.50
No person shall abandon any animal or fowl within the city.
Penalty, see § 10.99
Statutory reference:
Similar law, see M.C.L.A. § 750.50(2)(e)
(A) No person shall hinder, obstruct or delay an officer or other person who is lawfully engaged in taking into custody any animal or fowl found running at large or being possessed or housed by any person contrary to the provisions of this chapter.
(B) It is a defense to prosecution under this section that the interference alleged consisted of constitutionally protected speech only.
Penalty, see § 10.99
(A) Generally. No resident person shall own, keep or house any dog within the city unless the person shall have complied with the laws of the state and county providing for the licensing and registration of the dog.
(B) Collar and license tag to be worn. No resident person shall own, keep or house any dog six months old or older that does not, at all times when the dog is off the premises of the owner, wear a collar or harness with a license tag issued pursuant to the laws of the state and county.
(C) Licensing of impounded dog. No dog shall be released from the pound unless the owner or person entitled to demand the same shall procure a license for the dog in the manner required by state law at the time in force and effect, in event that the dog shall not have already been legally licensed.
Penalty, see § 10.99
(A) No person shall own, keep, house or have charge of any dog which has an ugly or vicious disposition or is dangerous to persons or property. Any dog shall be deemed vicious which has bitten a person or domestic animal without provocation, or which by its actions gives indications that it is reasonably likely to bite any person or domestic animal without provocation. The owner, or any person entitled to possession or control of the dog, shall deliver same to the enforcing officer for confinement or disposal.
(B) Any dog or other animal that has bitten a person shall be held in confinement for a period of at least ten days from the date the person was bitten. If the animal dies during the period of confinement, the head shall be sent to a laboratory for examination for evidence of rabies in the manner specified by state regulations for the control of rabies as promulgated by the Health Department.
Penalty, see § 10.99
Statutory reference:
Dangerous animals; complaints, retention, destruction, court orders to protect the public, see M.C.L.A. §§ 287.321 and 287.322