The water well and permit prohibitions in § 52.076 shall not apply to:
   (A)   Water well permits for the repair, modification or replacement of an existing permitted water well or legal nonconforming water well involving no increase in well capacity. Well capacity means the name plate performance rating for the existing well equipment.
   (B)   Water well permits for backup or standby wells which do not initiate any new or increased use of groundwater. For purposes of this section, a new or increased use of groundwater is a use that did not exist before October 22, 2014.
   (C)   Water well permits within areas in which groundwater rights have been adjudicated by a court where this water well permit prohibition would interfere with the court's order, decree, or physical solution.
   (D)   County water well permit applications approved for processing by a Groundwater Management Agency, provided that on October 22, 2014, the Groundwater Management Agency is prohibiting new groundwater extraction facilities. For purposes of this § 52.077, Groundwater Management Agency shall mean an agency formed under Cal. Water Code Appendix §§ 121-102 et seq.
   (E)   County water well permit applications filed on or before October 22, 2014.
   (F)   Water well permits applications within groundwater basins designated as High or Medium Priority under the Department of Water Resources ("DWR") California Statewide Groundwater Elevation Monitoring Program (CASGEM) Groundwater Basin Prioritization for which designations are made pursuant to Cal. Water Code § 10722.4 and for which a groundwater sustainability agency has adopted and submitted to DWR a groundwater sustainability plan or alternative plan pursuant to Water Code §§ 10727 and 10733.6 (effective January 1, 2015).
(Ord. 1274, passed 6-5-17)