General Provisions
71.001 Driving through funeral procession
71.002 Riding or driving on sidewalks
71.003 New pavement markings
71.004 Limited access
71.005 Restrictions on use of freeways
71.006 Erection of and obedience to barriers and signs
71.007 Trains not to block crossing
Speed Limits
71.020 Establishment of speed limits
Turning Movements
71.030 Placement and obedience to turning markers
71.031 Restricted turn signs
71.032 Signs prohibiting right turn against stop signal
One-Way Streets and Alleys
71.045 Placement of and obedience to signs
Special Stops
71.055 Through street and intersections; City Engineer to erect stop signs
71.056 Emerging from alley, driveway or building
71.070 Establishment and marking of crosswalks
71.071 Use of crosswalk required
Use Restrictions on Certain Streets
71.080 Certain vehicles prohibited in central traffic district
71.081 Advertising vehicles on city streets
71.082 Animal-drawn vehicles in central traffic district
71.083 Truck route establishment and designation
71.084 Use of certain streets by commercial vehicles prohibited; exception
Interstate Trucks
71.095 Definitions
71.096 Purpose
71.097 Application
71.098 Fees and costs
71.099 Retrofitting
71.100 Revocation of route
71.101 Appeal process
Regulations for motor vehicles at drive-in restaurants, see § 122.04
Statutory reference:
Local traffic rules and regulations, see Cal. Veh. Code §§ 21100 et seq.
No operator of any vehicle shall drive between the vehicles comprising a funeral procession or a parade; provided, that such vehicles are conspicuously so designated. The directing of all vehicles and traffic on any street over which such funeral procession or parade wishes to pass shall be subject to the orders of the Police Department.
('81 Code, § 10.24.080) Penalty, see § 70.99
(A) No person shall ride, drive, propel, or cause to be propelled any vehicle or animal across or upon any sidewalk excepting over permanently constructed driveways and excepting when it is necessary for any temporary purpose to drive a loaded vehicle across a sidewalk; provided further, that such sidewalk area is substantially protected by wooden planks two inches thick, and permission is previously obtained from the City Engineer.
(B) Such wooden planks shall not be permitted to remain upon such sidewalk area during the hours from 6:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m.
('81 Code, § 10.24.100) Penalty, see § 70.99
No person shall ride or drive any animal or any vehicle over or across any newly made pavement or freshly painted markings in any street when a barrier sign, conemarker or other warning device is in place warning persons not to drive over or across such pavement or marking, or when any such device is in place indicating that the street or any portion thereof is closed.
('81 Code, § 10.24.110) Penalty, see § 70.99
No person shall drive a vehicle onto or from any limited access roadway except at such entrances and exits as are lawfully established.
('81 Code, § 10.24.120) Penalty, see § 70.99
No person shall drive or operate any bicycle, motor-driven cycle, or any vehicle which is not drawn by a motor vehicle upon any street established as a freeway, as defined by state law, nor shall any pedestrian walk across or along any such street so designated and described except in space set aside for the use of pedestrians; provided, official signs are in place giving notice of such restrictions.
('81 Code, § 10.24.130) Penalty, see § 70.99