§ 71.096 PURPOSE.
   The purpose of this subchapter is to establish procedures for terminal designation and truck route designation to terminals for interstate trucks operating on a federally designated highway system and to promote the general health, safety, and welfare of the public.
('81 Code, § 10.48.020) (Ord. 835, passed - -85)
Statutory reference:
   Authority to establish access routes, see Cal. Veh. Code § 35401.5
   (A)   Upon receipt of the application, the Director will cause an investigation to be made to ascertain whether or not the proposed terminal facility meets the requirements for an interstate truck terminal. Upon his approval of that designation, he will then determine the capability of the route requested and alternate routes, whether requested or not. Deter-mination of route capability will include, without limitation, a review of adequate turning radius and lane widths of ramps, intersections and highways and general traffic conditions such as sight distance, speed, and traffic volumes. No access off a federally designated highway system will be approved without the approval of Caltrans. The Director may approve, conditionally approve, or deny the application.
   (B)   Should the requested route pass through the city to a terminal located in another jurisdiction, the applicant shall comply with that jurisdiction's application process as well. Coordination of the approval of the route through the city will be the responsibility of the entity which controls the terminal's land use. Costs for trailblazer signs shall be as provided in § 71.098.
('81 Code, § 10.48.030) (Ord. 835, passed - -85)
§ 71.098 FEES AND COSTS.
   (A)   Upon the approval of the terminal designa-tion and route by the city and by Caltrans, the applicant shall deposit with the city sufficient funds as estimated by the Director to pay for the purchase and installation of terminal trailblazer signs.
   (B)   Trailblazer signs will be required at every decision point in the city on route to the terminal. Upon completion of the installation of the signs, the actual cost shall be computed and any difference between the actual and the estimated cost shall be billed or refunded to the applicant, whichever the case may be. No terminal or route may be used until such signs as may be required are in place. Costs for trailblazer signs may be proportioned in accordance with the procedures in division (C) of § 71.099.
('81 Code, § 10.48.040) (Ord. 835, passed - -85)