All rented premises occupied for human habitation shall conform to the following minimum standards.
(A) Area of floor space.
(1) A minimum of 150 square feet of floor space per adult shall be provided in each dwelling unit.
(2) A minimum of 50 square feet of floor space per child six years of age or older shall be provided in each dwelling unit.
(3) A minimum of 300 square feet of floor space shall be provided for each single-family dwelling unit.
(4) A minimum of 600 square feet of floor space shall be provided for each two-family dwelling unit.
(5) A minimum of 200 square feet of floor space per family shall be provided in multi-family dwelling units housing three or more families.
(6) In computing area only that area having a ceiling height of seven or more feet shall enter into the computation.
(B) Sanitary conditions and facilities.
(1) At least one flush-type toilet shall be provided for each single- and two-family dwelling unit.
(2) At least one flush-type toilet shall be provided for each eight adult persons in rooming houses and in multi-family dwelling structures housing three or more families.
(3) The necessary number of flush-type toilets may be provided in a separate building outside of, or separate from, the building containing the dwelling units if separate building is constructed and maintained in conformity with the health, plumbing and building ordinances of the city and if the building is provided with windows, ventilating shaft or mechanical ventilating equipment sufficient to ensure adequate ventilation thereof.
(4) Running water shall be provided for each dwelling unit and for each flush-type toilet.
(5) An outlet for sanitary sewage shall be provided for each dwelling unit in conformance with existing ordinances of the city.
(C) Windows and ventilation.
(1) Window or windows with a total glass area equal to at least 10% of the floor area of a habitable room shall be provided. The window or windows shall open onto a street, yard, alley, court or easement, or to the sky, and shall be so constructed so that at least one-half of the glass area may be fully opened and so that the sash or sashes can be opened or securely closed.
(2) Rooms or dwelling units not conforming to the standards set forth in division (B) above in this subchapter may in the alternative be provided with artificial ventilation facilities sufficient to insure adequate ventilation thereof. The artificial ventilation facilities must be approved by the Building Inspector.
(3) Inside bathrooms, not provided with windows, shall be provided with a ventilating shaft, or sufficient mechanical ventilating equipment to ensure adequate ventilation therein. Installations of ventilating equipment must be approved by the Building Inspector.
(D) Electrical facilities. Each dwelling unit to have electrical facilities consisting of one 20-ampere circuit for convenience outlets in kitchen and dining areas and at least one additional circuit for lighting. The electrical facilities shall be installed or made to conform with the standard provided in the electrical ordinance of the city.
(E) Heating. A vent or flue shall be provided so that all heating units using combustible materials may be vented in conformity with the standards provided in the fire and building ordinances of the city.
(F) Exits.
(1) At least one exterior door shall be provided for each single-family dwelling unit.
(2) Two exterior doors shall be provided for each two-family dwelling unit with floor space exceeding 500 square feet, for each two-family dwelling unit, and for each multi-family dwelling unit of one story housing three or more families.
(3) In addition to the requirements provided for herein, a direct exit shall be provided for each floor of each multi-family dwelling unit of three or more stories.
(4) The exterior doors or exits required in this subchapter may be provided in or from a public hall, but, in that event, each dwelling unit shall be provided with one exit door to the public hall or directly to the outside for every 500 square feet of floor space in the dwelling unit.
(1994 Code, § 15.16.030) (Ord. 93-109, passed - -1993)
Any habitable building which shall fail to conform to the standards set forth in this subchapter shall be deemed a nuisance and detrimental to the health, safety and welfare of the inhabitants of the city.
(1994 Code, § 15.16.040) (Ord. 93-109, passed - -1993)
Whenever a dwelling unit is vacated, it is the duty of the owner to determine that the dwelling unit is in a clean, sanitary and habitable condition, free from infestation, before renting the dwelling unit to another occupant. Where necessary, the owner shall renovate or paint walls and ceilings, and exterminate vermin in the vacated dwelling units before offering them for rent.
(1994 Code, § 15.16.050) (Ord. 93-109, passed - -1993)
Any officer or employee of the city charged with the duty of inspecting buildings, fire hazards, health conditions or plumbing and electrical installations may inspect and examine and shall be authorized to enter the public or common areas of any building. structure or premises at any reasonable hour to determine whether the building, structure or premises conforms to the provisions of this subchapter.
(1994 Code, § 15.16.060) (Ord. 93-109, passed - -1993)
(A) The purpose of this subchapter is to establish a site plan review procedure which will ensure that the development of property within the city conforms to the building and land use requirements established by the city and provide a means whereby the City Building and Planning Departments will have the information necessary to properly execute the building and land use enactments administered by the Departments. This subchapter is not intended to establish new or different standards from those presently enacted in the existing building and land use laws of the city, but is intended to be an aid of the administration and enforcement of the laws.
(B) Before any parcel is created, or any structure is erected, or any use is established in any R-M, C-G, C-H, M-1 or M-2 zone within the city, the owner of the property which is the subject matter thereof shall file a site plan with the city and obtain approval of the same in the manner specified herein. The procedures established by this subchapter shall be administered by the City Planning Department.
(1994 Code, § 15.28.010) (Ord. 80-101, passed - -1980)
Six prints of a site plan prepared to scale and containing the following information shall be filed by the property owner with the Planning Department:
(A) Lot dimensions including all contiguous property under the same ownership;
(B) All existing proposed buildings and structures and their locations with full dimensions;
(C) Yards and space between all existing and proposed buildings;
(D) Walls and fences including height and material;
(E) Sidewalks;
(F) Off-street parking and points of ingress and egress;
(G) Sign locations including size and height;
(H) Location of landscaping; and
(I) The additional information as may be required by the Planning Director to enable the City Building and Planning Departments to determine that the proposed project is lawful and feasible.
(1994 Code, § 15.28.020) (Ord. 80-101, passed - -1980)
Within three days of the filing of the site plan, the Planning Director shall cause copies of the same to be transmitted to the City Building Inspector and the City Engineer. Within seven days of receiving the same, the City Building Inspector and the City Engineer shall respectively provide the Planning Director with a written report covering their review of the site plan. A failure to furnish the Planning Director with the report shall constitute approval of the site plan. Within 30 days of the filing of the site plan, the Planning Director shall complete his or her review thereof and make a written report approving, conditionally approving or disapproving the same on the basis of the existing building and land use requirements of the city. The report shall set out the reasons for the action taken by the Planning Director. One copy of the site plan and report shall be forthwith mailed to the property owner. Additional copies of the site plan and report shall be filed with the City Building Inspector and City Engineer. In acting on the site plan, the Planning Director may, in his or her discretion, seek the guidance and advice of the Planning Commission at any lawful meeting of the body.
(1994 Code, § 15.28.030) (Ord. 80-101, passed - -1980)
A property owner who deems himself or herself aggrieved of the action of the Planning Director with respect to the conditional approval or disapproval of a site plan may appeal to the City Council by filing a written appeal with the City Clerk within ten days of the mailing of the site plan and report to the property owner. On receiving the appeal, the City Clerk shall set the matter for hearing at a regular meeting of the City Council held within 15 days of the filing of the appeal. The City Clerk shall mail to the property owner a notice of the time and place of the hearing at least five days before the date thereof. In determining the appeal, the action of the City Council shall be final. If no written appeal is filed by the property owner within the time specified herein, the action of the Planning Director shall be final.
(1994 Code, § 15.28.040) (Ord. 80-101, passed - -1980)
(A) No action shall be taken by the City Planning Commission with respect to the creation of any parcel or the establishment of any use in the zones covered by this subchapter until a site plan approval has been obtained by the property owner and unless the project conforms thereto. No action shall be taken by the City Building Inspector with respect to the issuance of any building permit for the erection of any structure in the zones covered by this subchapter until a site plan approval has been obtained by the property owner and unless the project conforms thereto. After the structure has been erected, the City Building Inspector shall certify to the Planning Director that the same conforms to the site plan approval before the structure is occupied.
(1994 Code, § 15.28.050)
(B) A site plan approval shall lapse and be of no force or effect unless acted on within one year of the granting thereof; provided that, if not less than 30 days prior to the expiration date of the approval a written application is filed with the City Clerk by the property owner for an extension of the same, the Planning Commission shall be empowered to extend the time of the approval for a period of time not to exceed one additional year. An approved or conditionally approved site plan shall run with the land.
(1994 Code, § 15.28.060)
(Ord. 80-101, passed - -1980)
A fee of $10 shall be paid by the property owner to the city at the time a site plan is filed; the fee to apply to the charge for any building permit granted pursuant to the site plan.
(1994 Code, § 15.28.080) (Ord. 80-101, passed - -1980)
Editor's note:
This section is currently undergoing review and revision by the city