The following signs are prohibited from being erected in the city:
(A) Signs which may imitate an official traffic sign or signal;
(B) Signs which may hide from view any traffic or street sign or signal;
(C) Off-premise signs, except as permitted under the provisions of this subchapter;
(D) Signs which project over a public sidewalk and are less than eight feet high;
(E) Signs which project over an alley and are less than 15 feet high;
(F) Flashing or rotating signs;
(G) Signs on telephone poles, utility poles, trees within the public right-of-way, street light standards and street signs; and
(H) Billboards.
(Ord. 2021-03, passed 12-7-2021)
(A) A building permit shall be required for the construction of any sign, except as specified in sections below.
(B) The permit application shall include a map or plat and drawings showing the location, size, shape, type of illumination, and manner of installation of the proposed sign.
(C) The permit shall be filed with the Planning Department. The City Manager or designee may require that changes be made in the design of the sign as necessary to conform to the design criteria in § 154.275.
(D) Any person may appeal the decision of the City Manager or designee pursuant to § 154.028.
(Ord. 2021-03, passed 12-7-2021)
(A) Lighting for externally illuminated signs shall be so arranged so as to avoid glare and light intrusion onto neighboring premises and so that the light is not directly visible from the public right-of-way or adjacent property.
(B) No part of a sign attached or mounted on a building may project above the allowed height limit for that zoning district
(C) No sign may be located in a manner which may obstruct or interfere with the view of a traffic signal. No sign shall obstruct the vision of a motorist within 100 feet of the intersection, as shown in Figure 154.022.01. No sign may be located so as to create a hazardous condition to a person using the public right-of-way.
(D) Electronic time and temperature signs shall be permitted. No other freestanding sign shall be blinking, flashing, rotating or animated. Lights used to illuminate the sign shall be installed to concentrate the illumination on the sign or advertising structure and to minimize glare upon a public street or adjacent property.
(Ord. 2021-03, passed 12-7-2021)
(A) Temporary signs. A business which sells goods or services to customers may install and maintain temporary signs (Figure 154.022.02) on a window of the premises for the purpose of advertising a special sale or promotion without obtaining any permit, subject to the following conditions:
(1) No more than 50% of the total window space on a wall may be covered by temporary window signs; and
(2) Each temporary window sign shall be removed when the sale or promotion advertised ends, or within 30 days following its installation, whichever is sooner.
(B) Portable signs. Portable signs as shown in Figure 154.022.03 below shall be no more than nine square feet in area and must be displayed in the adjacent public right-of-way subject to the following conditions:
(1) Signs must not interfere with pedestrian traffic;
(2) Signs may not be placed in any curb return, in any bus stop zone, within two feet of any driveway or curb cut access ramp, within 18 inches of any curb where street parking is allowed, and must not be attached in any manner to public infrastructure or utility structure such as lampposts or utility poles; and
(3) Signs may only be displa yed during the busine ss hours of operation.
(Ord. 2021-03, passed 12-7-2021)
(A) Residential districts.
(1) One sign per residential lot, not exceeding two square feet in size, containing the name, address, and relevant contact information of the resident or home business.
(2) One externally illuminated permanent subdivision sign or multiple-family entrance sign, not exceeding 32 square feet in size. If ground-mounted, the top of the sign shall not exceed four feet in height.
(B) Commercial districts.
(1) Freestanding signs.
(a) One freestanding sign as shown in the examples in Figure 154.022.04 below shall be permitted for each parcel of land that fronts onto a public street. Each freestanding sign shall not exceed ten feet in height and 60 square feet in area.
(b ) Each shopping center will be allowed one freestanding sign for each portion of the shopping center parcel that fronts onto a public street. Said freestanding sign shall not exceed 25 feet in height and 150 square feet in area. The design and location of each shopping center sign shall be reviewed and approved by the Planning Commission.
(c) The signs may contain thereon only the name of the building, occupants, or groups thereof and the principal product or service of business, occupants, or groups, with the exception that information related to gasoline prices, which service stations are required by law to display, may also be contained on a freestanding sign.
(d) Signs shall not project within two feet of curb.
(2) Wall signs, projected double-facing signs, and under-marquee signs.
(a) On-premises wall signs (see Figure 154.022.05 below), projecting double-faced signs and under-marquee signs may project over public property or into a required yard area so long as the height of any projected sign is not less than eight feet, and the sign does not extend further than two feet from the curb line of the street.
(b) On-premises wall signs and projecting double-signs shall not extend more than three feet above the wall, facade, parapet, or eaves of the building on which they are located.
(C) Manufacturing District.
(1) Signs shall be permitted only for the purposes of providing direction for vehicles and pedestrians and for identifying the name and address of a business and the principal product or services offered.
(2) One freestanding sign shall be permitted on each street frontage of a lot.
(Ord. 2021-03, passed 12-7-2021)
(A) Except for signs described in division (B) below, any sign which was erected legally prior to the effective date of the ordinance codified in this section shall be deemed a non-conforming use. Maintenance of the sign shall be allowed but not alterations which could increase its non-conforming status.
(B) Non-conforming signs at a site where the use is discontinued for a period of 90 days or more shall be removed prior to occupancy of a new use. Any new signs erected by the new occupant shall comply with the current sign standards of the zoning district in which the property is located.
(Ord. 2021-03, passed 12-7-2021)
(A) The purpose of this section is to adopt by reference the State Model Efficient Landscape Ordinance as required by state law.
(B) Adoption of State Model Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance. Except as hereafter provided, the city hereby adopts the Model Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance of the State of California by reference as set forth in Cal. Code of Regulations Title 23, Division 2, Chapter 2.7 §§ 49 through 495, as amended. A copy of the Model Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance of the State of California shall be maintained in the Building Department and City Clerk's office and shall be made available for public inspection while this chapter is in force.
(C) Local agency defined. The term “local agency" in the Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance shall mean the city of San Joaquin.
(D) The term "local water purveyor" in the Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance shall mean the City of San Joaquin.
(Ord. 2021-03, passed 12-7-2021)
(A) Landscaping shall include the use of native and/or drought tolerant plant material consistent with water efficient landscapes.
(B) Landscape and irrigation plans are required for all new projects. Such plans shall include new building construction, expansion of buildings over 50% of existing floor area, and demolition and reconstruction of buildings. Projects requiring a CUP shall submit landscape and irrigation plans on a separate sheet from the site plan.
(C) Installation of all landscaping and irrigation in accordance with the approved plans is required prior to final occupancy approval.
(D) Landscaping shall be maintained and in healthy condition including regular pruning, staking, weeding, removal of litter, watering, and replacement of plants when necessary.
(E) No tree shall be planted within five feet of any structure or under any eave, overhang, or balcony. Trees shall be properly trimmed to ensure safety to nearby structures and persons. Street trees shall be enclosed in tree wells to prevent upheaval of the sidewalk.
(F) Additional landscaping in excess of the minimum required herein may be deemed necessary to:
(1) Screen adjacent uses from parking or storage areas, trash enclosures, or similar uses that could cause a negative impact based on aesthetics, odors, and the like;
(2) Serve as a buffer between stationary noise sources and adjacent noise-sensitive uses; or
(3) Relieve solid, unbroken elevations and soften continuous wall expanses.
(Ord. 2021-03, passed 12-7-2021)
(A) Applicability. The standards of this section shall apply to:
(1) New fences, walls, or hedges;
(2) New development;
(3) A request for a conditional use permit;
(4) Building additions to existing buildings that expand the existing floor area by at least 20% or 2,500 square feet, whichever is less, not including single-unit dwelling units or duplexes. The addition and/or expansion shall be cumulative from the date of adoption of this code; and
(5) The demolition and reconstruction of a site.
(B) Fences, walls, hedges, and similar obstructions shall not exceed three feet in height in front yards nor six feet in height in any required rear and side yard.
(C) Notwithstanding any provision in division (A) above, in the case of corner lots, fences, shrubs, hedges, screen plantings and similar obstructions shall not exceed three feet in height within the sight distance area of a street intersection. The site distance area shall be defined as the street side of a diagonal line connecting points located 25 feet from the intersection of the property lines at the street corner.
(D) Fences shall be placed within the interior and rear property lines and set back at least 12 inches from the back of adjacent sidewalks, or from the curb or shoulder if there is no sidewalk.
(E) Fences within the city shall not be constructed of barbed wire or similar material unless a use permit is first obtained. A use permit may be granted only upon a finding by the City Manager or designee that extraordinary circumstances requiring the use of barbed wire or similar material apply to the property in question which do not generally apply to property within the city. In no event may a use permit be granted for the use of barbed wire or similar material within three feet of any public right-of-way. The City Manager or designee may require as a condition of such use permit appropriate warning signs upon the barbed wire or similarly constructed fence.
(F) In the commercial and manufacturing zoning districts, fences may be permitted in excess of seven feet in height, subject to the approval of the City Manager or designee. Said fence shall not exceed eight feet.
(G) Construction of fences in excess of the standards established in this section may be granted by a conditional use permit. The City Manager or designee may grant such a permit upon finding that extraordinary circumstances require variation from these standards. In no case may a solid fence exceed eight feet in height. The decision of the City Manager or designee may be appealed to the reviewing authority.
(Ord. 2021-03, passed 12-7-2021)