General Provisions
   92.01   Age when offspring are considered animals
   92.02   Keeping certain animals and fowl prohibited; exceptions
   92.20   Purpose
   92.21   Definitions
   92.22   Keeping bees restricted
Wild Animals
   92.35   Keeping wild animals; permit required
   92.36   Issuance of permit
   92.45   Definition
   92.46   License and tag required
   92.47   Application for license; presentation of vaccination certificate
   92.48   Issuance of license; required information
   92.49   License tax; delinquencies
   92.50   Licenses; records to be kept
   92.51   License tags to be fastened to collar or harness
   92.52   Leashes required; animal nuisances cleanup
   92.53   Impoundment of certain dogs; right of entry
   92.54   Reports of dog bites
   92.55   Confinement of biting dogs
   92.56   Permit required to remove from confinement
   92.57   Examination of animals for rabies; quarantine
   92.58   Vaccination and revaccination required
   92.59   Vaccination certificate required
   92.60   Impounding of unvaccinated dogs
   92.61   Enforcement of provisions
   92.70   Impoundment of animals
Potentially Dangerous and Vicious Dogs
   92.80   Declaration of public nuisance
   92.81   Definitions
   92.82   Procedure for declaring dog potentially dangerous and/or vicious
   92.83   Administrative hearing by City Manager or designee of City Manager
   92.84   Appeal procedure
   92.85   Licensing and vaccinating
   92.86   Seizure and impoundment
   92.87   Cost assessment when animal seized
   92.88   Identification and sterilization requirement for vicious dogs
   92.89   Procedure for destruction
   92.90   Restraint or enclosure
   92.91   Posting of property where potentially dangerous or vicious dogs are maintained
   92.92   Notice of disposal or escape
   92.93   Owners to permit compliance inspections
   92.94   Removal from list of potentially dangerous dogs
   92.95   Unlawful to own, harbor or keep dog found by another jurisdiction to be potentially dangerous or vicious
   92.96   Keeping by minors prohibited
   92.100   Definitions
   92.101   Voluntary licensing
   92.99   Penalty