53.00 Title
53.01 Statutory authority
53.02 Purpose and intent
53.03 Definitions
53.04 Illicit discharges and non-stormwater discharges
53.05 Illicit connections
53.06 Reduction of pollutants in runoff
53.07 Control of pollutants from commercial facilities
53.08 Control of pollutants from industrial activities
53.09 Control of pollutants from other industrial facilities
53.10 Control of pollutants from state permitted construction activities
53.11 Control of pollutants from other construction activities
53.12 Control of pollutants from new developments/redevelopment projects
53.13 Enforcement
53.14 Violations constituting misdemeanors
53.15 Acts potentially resulting in violations of Federal Clean Water Act and/or Porter-Cologne Act
53.16 Violations deemed a public nuisance
53.17 Appeal
53.18 Disclaimer of liability
53.19 Low impact development standards