12.20.010. Illegal acts generally; definitions
12.20.020. [Reserved]
12.20.030. [Reserved]
12.20.040. [Reserved]
12.20.050. [Reserved]
12.20.060. Alcoholic liquor; sale, gift, delivery to designated persons prohibited
12.20.070. Consuming liquor in public place
12.20.080. Disorderly conduct
12.20.090. [Reserved]
12.20.100. Enticement
12.20.110. [Reserved]
12.20.120. False complaints and alarms
12.20.130. Fireworks
12.20.140. [Reserved]
12.20.150. Littering
12.20.160. Public excretion
It shall be unlawful for any person to:
(a) Be upon any public street or in any public place in a state of drunkenness or intoxication in such a manner as to be hazardous to motor vehicle traffic;
(b) Discharge any firearm or air rifle within the city limits, except in the following designated areas:
(1) One mile for firearms, handguns, and pistols, and 200 yards for shotguns and air rifles to the east of the following roadways: Red Cove Road beginning at Lot 9, Block 9, continuing south on Nagai Avenue to the intersection of Humbolt Lane, for the length of Humbolt Lane; on Airport Road starting at Lot 4, Block 1, running south to the cutoff to the Boat Harbor.
(2) All firearms or dangerous weapons must be discharged in a direction away from the community or an inhabited area. All applicable state and federal laws shall apply.
(c) Engage in window peeping;
(d) Create a disturbance in a public place or at any lawful assembly;
(e) Steal any property of a value not exceeding $100; provided, however, that the city may, at its option treat as petty larceny the theft of a sum greater than $100;
(f) Interfere with, obstruct, mutilate, conceal or tear down any official notice or placard posted by any city officer without permission from the officer;
(g) Spit upon or otherwise mar or litter any hallway stairway, sidewalks or steps or any public building or place of worship or any public park, public beach, public recreation area, or public parking lot;
(h) Make, cause or continue, or cause to be made or continued, any unnecessary or unusual noise, which either annoys, injures, or endangers the comfort, repose health or safety of others; and every person who shall make, cause or continue, or cause to be made or continued, whether in the operation of any machine, or the exercise of any trade or calling, or otherwise, any noise which either annoys, injures or endangers the comfort, repose, health or safety of others, unless the making or continuing of the same be necessary to the protection or preservation of property, or of the health safety, life or limb of some person, shall be guilty of an unlawful act under this code; and
(i) No owner, lessee, agent, tenant or occupant shall allow or permit any debris, junk or indiscriminate storage of machinery, equipment, parts, wrecked, junked, or abandoned automobile bodies, lumber or other material or any accumulation of garbage, manure, offal, rubbish, stagnant water or any filthy liquid or substance or anything that is or may become putrid or offensive to be or remain upon his yard, lot or premises, or upon any yard, lot or premises owned or controlled by him.
(Am. Ord. 92-3, passed 3-9-92; Am. Ord. 2017-01, passed 1-10-17) Penalty, see § 1.10.070
(a) No person shall sell, furnish, give or deliver any alcoholic liquor to any person;
(1) Who is intoxicated.
(2) Who is under the age of 21 years.
(3) Who is a habitual drunkard or a habitual user of drugs.
(b) The burden shall at all times be upon the licensee and his employees to determine the age and sobriety of any patron.
Penalty, see § 1.10.070
Statutory reference:
Alcoholic beverages; prohibited acts, see A.S. 04.16.010 through 04.16.175