(a) Every act prohibited by city ordinance is unlawful. Unless another penalty is expressly provided by this code for a particular act or offense, every person who commits an infraction or violation of any provision of this code, or any rule or regulation adopted or issued pursuant to this code, commits a minor offense as that term is defined in the Alaska Rules of Minor Offense Procedure and may be punished by a fine of not more than $500, unless the penalty is established by fine schedule, in which case the maximum penalty shall be $1,000.
(b) In addition to any other remedies or penalties that may be provided in this code, or may otherwise be available, the city or any aggrieved person may institute a civil action to obtain injunctive or compensatory relief against a person who violates any provision of the code. An action to enjoin a violation may be brought notwithstanding the availability of any other remedy. On application for injunctive relief and a finding of violation or threatened violation, the Superior Court shall grant the injunction. The city shall be entitled to collect all reasonable attorney's fees in any successful civil action to enforce the laws of the city.
(c) Each act of violation and every day upon which the violation shall occur will constitute a separate offense. A separate citation must be issued for each calendar day upon which a violation is alleged to have occurred.
(Am. Ord. 2017-01, passed 1-10-17)
Statutory reference:
Maximum municipal penalties, see A.S. 29.25.070