   In accordance with A.S. 29.25.070(a), citations for the following offenses may be disposed of as provided in A.S. 12.25.195 - 12.25.230, without a court appearance, upon payment of the fine amounts listed below, plus the state surcharge required by A.S. 12.55.039 and A.S. 29.25.074. Fines must be paid to the court. The Rules of Minor Offense Procedure in the Alaska Rules of Court apply to all offenses listed below. If a person charged with one of these offenses appears in court and is found guilty, the penalty imposed for the offense may not exceed the fine schedule amount listed below for that offense. If an offense is not listed on this fine schedule or another fine schedule, the defendant must appear in court to answer to the charges. The fines set forth below may not be judicially reduced.
Code Section
Offense Description
Fine Amount
Code Section
Offense Description
Fine Amount
Willful evasion of licensing requirements
Failure to apply for business license
Failure to keep required records
False or fraudulent application
Aiding or abetting in evasion of licensing requirements
Unlawful use of water supply
Unlawful disposal of sewage and liquid waste
Unlawful operation of individual sewage system
Illegal discharge of sewage or domestic waste
Unlawful alteration of individual sewer system
Failure to protect sewer from cold weather
Failure to maintain solid waste collection service
Unlawful dumping
Unsecured refuse
Operating vessel with excessive wake in harbor facilities
Littering within harbor facilities
At large animals within harbor facilities
Nuisance or unlawful business
Unlawful sign posting within harbor facilities
Unlawful posting on harbor bulletin boards
Depositing freight or cargo in non-loading area
Failure to register vessel
Unlawful connection or tampering with electrical system
Unlawful mooring or use of harbor facilities
Disregard, deface, remove, tamper with or damage a sign or notice
Failure to license dog
Unlicensed dog at large
Possession of vicious dog
Licensed nuisance dog at large
Unlicensed nuisance dog at large
Interfering with Enforcement Officer
Release/attempt to release impounded animal
Intoxicated on public street/in public place
Discharge firearm outside designated area
Window peeping
Public disturbance
Stealing less than $100 of property
Obstruct/conceal/tear down official notice/placard
Littering public place
Noise violation
Accumulation of rubbish on property
Furnish alcohol to prohibited persons
Licensed premise sell/serve alcohol during closed hours
Consuming alcohol in public
Consume alcohol in prohibited area
Enticement for unlawful purpose
Fireworks - possession/use without permit
Littering - private or public property
Public excretion
Operating establishment in violation of marijuana laws
Marijuana use in public place
Marijuana use in vehicle, watercraft or aircraft
Marijuana possession or consumption less than 21 years of age
Juvenile violates curfew
Parent/guardian allow juvenile to violate curfew
Abandonment of vehicle on right-of-way
Abandonment of vehicle on public or private property
Failure to display assigned number
Failure to maintain address number or sign
Failure to obtain building permit
Maintenance of filthy kennels or livestock pens
Unnecessary or unusual noise
Use of loud or unusual apparatus between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m.
Unlawful disposal of refuse, garbage, manure, or other waste materials
Dumping or littering onto private or public property
Uncovered well or excavation
Maintaining attractive nuisance
Unlawful storage of garbage cans
Unreasonable neglect of premises
13.08.020(a)(10 )
Stagnant water or ponds
13.08.020(a)(11 )
Storage of abandoned and broken equipment
13.08.020(a)(12 )
Building exterior deteriorating and scattered by weather
(Ord. 2017-01, passed 1-10-17; Am. Ord. 2017-03, passed 6-5-17; Am. Ord. 2022-01, passed 4-12-22)