§ 3.20.010. APPOINTMENT; TERM.
   The City Clerk shall be appointed by the Council. He shall hold office at the pleasure of the Council.
§ 3.20.020. CITY CLERK.
   (a)   The City Clerk shall:
      (1)   Give notice of the time and place of Council meetings to the Council and to the public;
      (2)   Attend Council meetings and keep the journal;
      (3)   Arrange publication of notices, ordinances and resolutions;
      (4)   Maintain and make available for public inspection an indexed file including the city ordinances, resolutions, rules, regulations, and codes;
      (5)   Attest deeds and other documents;
      (6)   Perform other duties specified in this title or prescribed in this title or prescribed by the Mayor or by the Council.
   (b)   The Council may combine the office of Clerk with that of Treasurer.
Statutory reference:
   Municipal clerks, see A.S. 29.30.380
   (a)   The City Clerk shall record and certify all actions of the Council.
   (b)   The City Clerk shall have the power to administer all oaths required by law.
   (c)   The City Clerk shall be custodian of the city seal and the official records of the city.
   (d)   The City Clerk shall give to the proper officials ample notice of the expiration or termination of any term of office and, when necessary, the conditions or requirements of all bonds, franchises, contracts or agreements.
   (e)   The City Clerk shall be the city election registrar and shall be responsible for the calling and supervision of all city elections.