The planning functions of the Planning Commission are as follows:
(a) To prepare from time to time plans for the systematic development of the city as a place of residence and business;
(b) To investigate and report upon the location and design of any public building, dock, beach, ski ground, statue, memorial, park, parkway, boulevard, street or alley, playground, public street, alley or grade thereof before final action is taken by the city or any department, office, or agency;
(c) To investigate and prepare, under such directions and conditions as the Council may from time to time request, the Commission's recommendations on a capital improvements program, and to review the same periodically and revise it from time to time but not less frequently than annually. The annual capital improvement programs shall constitute permanent records of the Commission which shall be a public record;
(d) To investigate and recommend to the Council for adoption by ordinance, with such amendments as the Commission believes necessary and proper because of local conditions, such published codes of technical regulations as relate to the functions of planning, platting and zoning;
(e) To investigate and prepare, from time to time, and to initiate on its own motion in the absence of directions from the Council, reports on the availability of public lands by selection, transfer at less than appraised value, and otherwise, for city purposes. In this regard, special attention shall be given to acquisition of lands for public recreation;
(f) To investigate and prepare reports on the location and establishment of:
(1) Outdoor public recreation;
(2) Trap, skeet, rifle and pistol ranges;
(3) Public campgrounds.
The Planning Commission shall also:
(a) Prepare and recommend to the Council:
(1) A zoning ordinance to implement plans prepared in accordance with § 13.02.100;
(2) A subdivision ordinance;
(3) The official map of the city;
(4) Modifications to the documents specified in divisions (1) through (3) of this section.
(b) The Commission shall publish notice of and hold at least one hearing before submitting its recommendations under division (a) of this section to the Council.
(c) The Commission shall:
(1) Act as the platting board;
(2) Act upon requests for variances;
(3) Act upon requests for conditional uses.
(d) Subject to A.S. 29.40.170, no platting request, variance or conditional use may be granted except upon an affirmative vote of the majority of the Commission.