The definition set forth in Section 8.57.010 shall not be deemed to include:
A. Vehicles used only in a parade conducted pursuant to a permit issued by the Common Council;
B. A vehicle equipped with a siren or horn designed and used for the purpose of warning traffic because of such equipment or use, nor any vehicle operated by any governmental agency within the course of its public functions;
C. Persons who are licensed by the City to sell goods, wares and merchandise from vehicles and whose vehicles are equipped with sound apparatus emitting music only, providing the sound of such music does not exceed ninety decibels measured at a distance of ten feet from the speaker of the apparatus in that area of the City between Mt. Vernon Avenue and "E" Street and Marshall Boulevard and the west City limits thereof and ninety-five decibels elsewhere in the City.
(Ord. 2096, 2-21-56)