Chapter 8.60
8.60.010   Location of Sales and Discharge of Fireworks
8.60.015   Sale of Fireworks to Minors Prohibited; Identification Required
8.60.020   License - Required
8.60.030   License - Application - Public liability insurance
8.60.040   License - Notice of granting or rejection
8.60.050   License - Prerequisites to issuance
8.60.060   Suspension of license - Appeal procedure
8.60.070   Operation of temporary fireworks stand
8.60.080   Requirements for Fireworks Supplier
8.60.090   License tax
8.60.095   Regulatory Fee for Licensee and Fireworks Supplier
8.60.100   Temporary sales tax permit required
8.60.110   Display of license and sales tax permit
8.60.120   Permissible locations for discharge
8.60.130   Prohibitions on sale or discharge
8.60.140   (Repealed by Ord. MC-1269, 4-22-08)
8.60.150   Violation - Penalty
8.60.155   Reward Fund
8.60.160   Financial Reporting
8.60.170   Residential Storage of Fireworks