5.04.370 Seller from booth or stand - Peddler - Flags, banners, balloons, toys, food and confections
For every person, firm or corporation engaged in conjunction with a carnival or similar activity to carrying on the business of a seller from a booth or stand, or a peddler who sells or offers for sale flags, banners, balloons, canes, horns, trumpets, musical or noise-making instruments of any kind, toys, badges, buttons, shoestrings, hairpins, lead pencils, combs, similar trinkets and items, souvenirs of any kind, hot dogs, hamburgers, tacos, burritos, soft drinks, ice cream, ice milk, popcorn, cotton candy, candy apples, snow cones, and any similar food or confection, or any combination thereof, the fee shall be established by resolution of the Mayor and Common Council. It shall be unlawful to engage in the carrying on of the business listed in this section other than in conjunction with a carnival or similar activity , or as permitted pursuant to Chapter 19.70. A person with a business registration certificate to sell ice cream or ice milk products from a vehicle or a cart under Section 5.04.375 shall be exempt from the fees imposed in this section.
(Ord. MC-1363, 8-02-11; Ord. MC-817, 1-07-92; Ord. MC-744, 10-08-90; Ord. MC-460, 5-15-85; Ord. MC-302, 9-07-83)