5.04.375 Peddler or Solicitor - Foodstuffs
   A.   For every person, firm or corporation engaged in or carrying on the business of a peddler, or solicitor of orders, or for the sampling, or for the sale of any fish, fruits, vegetables, butter, eggs, buttermilk, milk, ice cream, confection, bread, crackers, cookies, pies, cakes, pastries, doughnuts, or other bakery goods, or any other edibles, intended for use as food for human consumption, by means of foot or vehicle delivery, the fee shall be established by resolution of the Mayor and Common Council.
   B.   For the purpose of this section, a "peddler" or "solicitor" is defined to be and include every person, firm or corporation who goes from place to place on a fixed route, who solicits orders for the sale of, or who sells or offers for sale any goods, wares, or merchandise, or the sampling of goods, wares, or merchandise, as enumerated or contemplated in this section, which he or she, or it has in his or her, or its possession, or in his or her or its motortruck, automobile, wagon, or other vehicle, cart, basket, tray or other container.
(Ord. MC-817, 1-07-92; Ord. MC-744, 10-08-90; Ord. MC-382, 6-20-84; Ord. MC-302, 9-07-83)