5.37.060 Review Process
   1.   Director Review - The Director of Community Development and Housing shall determine whether to issue a Demolition Permit for an Application which does not require a Report in accordance with Evaluation Thresholds B. and C. and the requirements specified in Section 15.37.045 of this Chapter.
   2.   The Development and Environmental Review Committee (DERC) Review -An Initial Study (pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act) shall be prepared for a Demolition Permit Application when a Historical Resource Evaluation Report is required in accordance with Section 15.37.045, Subsections A. - C. of this Chapter.
The Report may be included as an attachment to the Initial Study or referenced in the Initial Study. The Initial Study shall be reviewed by the DERC for an environmental determination in compliance with the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act, and applicable City requirements. Following the DERC review, the application and the environmental determination shall be reviewed by the Arts and Historical Preservation Commission.
   3.   Arts and Historical Preservation Commission Review - The Arts and Historical Preservation Commission shall receive notification of Demolition Permit Applications for which a Historic Resource Evaluation Report is prepared for their review and make recommendations to the Planning Commission regarding the historic significance of resources and the approval or denial of applications.
   4.   Planning Commission Review - A Demolition Permit Application for which a Historic Resource Evaluation Report and Initial Study are prepared shall be scheduled for review by the Planning Commission within forty-five (45) days of the DERC's environmental determination. The Planning Commission shall review Demolition Permit Applications to determine the historical significance of the resource based upon the criteria set forth in Section 15.37.055 of this Chapter. The Planning Commission may also consider the National Register criteria for evaluation.
Based upon the information provided, the Planning Commission shall take action on the environmental determination and approve or deny the issuance of the Demolition Permit. The Planning Commission's review must be completed within 30 days of the first public hearing before the Planning Commission or the Application shall be forwarded to the Mayor and City Council.
When a Demolition Permit Application is denied because of a determination of historical significance, the Planning Commission shall forward that recommendation to the Mayor and City Council.
If the Planning Commission approves the Demolition Permit Application, the Demolition Permit shall be issued in accordance with the Planning Commission action and following compliance with the provisions of this Chapter and all other City requirements.
   5.   Effective Date of Permit - Demolition Permits shall become effective 16 days following the final date of action (i.e., approval) by the Director or the Planning Commission unless an appeal has been filed pursuant to Section 15.37.070, which shall stay the issuance of the Demolition Permit until after the Appeal is decided
(Ord. MC-1625, 2-21-24; Ord. MC-1482, 4-18-18; Ord. MC-1306, 6-02-09; Ord. MC-850, 9-09-92; Ord. MC-694, 12-18-89)