Buildings and structures fifty (50) years old or older proposed for demolition shall be evaluated to determine historical significance. The level of review required shall be determined in accordance with the following thresholds and requirements which are based upon the Historic Resources Reconnaissance Survey (Volumes 1-5 and attachments, April 30, 1991 and all subsequent revisions):
A. A Historic Resource Evaluation Report (Report) shall be required for any resource identified on a modified California Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR) 523 Form (Volume 3, Appendix B, Resource List and DPR Forms) or located within an area identified as being potentially eligible for Historic District designation and listed as a contributing resource (Volume 3, Appendix C, Historic Districts and Overlay Zones, Items 1. through 4).
B. A Historic Resource Evaluation Report may be required for any resource listed on the Tabular List and located within the boundaries of an area identified in the Survey as being potentially eligible for Historic Overlay Zone designation (Volume 3, Appendix C, Historic Districts and Overlay Zones, Items 5 through 13) Using the criteria established in Section 15.37.055 of this Chapter, the Director of Community Development and Housing shall evaluate demolition proposals for these resources to determine the requirement for a Report.
C. Demolition Permit Applications for buildings and structures which are listed only on the Tabular List or not included in the Survey shall not require a Report unless the Director of Community Development and Housing determines that a Report is required based upon new historical or cultural information not contained in the Survey. When required, Historic Resource Evaluation Reports shall be prepared in accordance with Section 15.37.050 of this Chapter.
(Ord. MC-1625, 2-21-24; Ord. MC-1482, 4-18-18; Ord. MC-1306, 6-02-09; Ord. MC-850, 9-09-92; Ord. MC-694, 12-18-89)