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   13.0101   Establishment.
   13.0102   Division of County Employment into Classified and Unclassified Services.
   13.0103   Offices, Officers, Positions and Employees in the Unclassified Service.
   13.0104   Protection of Incumbent Employee Status.
   13.0105   Scope of Classified Service.
   13.0106   Personnel Rules.
   13.0107   Authorization to Grant Civil Service Status to Transferred Employees.
   13.0108   Provision to Adopt State Civil Service Laws.
   13.0109   Adoption of Federal and State Cooperative Employment Program.
§ 13.0101   Establishment.
   There shall be a Civil Service Commission consisting of five members who shall be qualified electors of the County. Commissioners shall not hold any salaried County office or employment. All appointments to the Civil Service Commission shall be made by the Board of Supervisors and shall continue in effect until a successor is appointed. Each Supervisor shall appoint one member of the Civil Service Commission. Members of the Civil Service Commission shall be selected on the basis of interest in upholding high standards of public service employment, County productivity, and the fair treatment of County employees, as well as knowledge of merit system principles and personnel administration. Civil Service Commission members serve a term of four years with terms of office which shall be staggered. Terms of office shall begin on February 1 of the appropriate year and end on the last day of January. No Commission member shall serve more than two consecutive four-year terms unless specifically permitted by the Board of Supervisors. Commission members shall serve at the pleasure of a majority of the Board of Supervisors. Within the authority of the County Charter, the Civil Service Commission responsibilities shall consist of hearing and deciding appeals and conducting investigations as provided in the personnel rules. The Commission shall review and make recommendations on personnel rules and amendments thereto.
(Ord. 2498, passed - -1980; Am. Ord. 2803, passed - -1983)
§ 13.0102   Division of County Employment into Classified and Unclassified Services.
   Employment by the County shall be divided into the Classified Service and the Unclassified Service.
(Ord. 2498, passed - -1980)
§ 13.0103   Offices, Officers, Positions and Employees in the Unclassified Service.
   The Unclassified Service shall be comprised of the following:
   (a)   Any position of fixed term temporary employment, recurrent employment, extra-help employment or employment in services or positions demonstrably special;
   (b)   Any elective County officer;
   (c)   The County Administrative Officer;
   (d)   Any public member of a Board or Commission;
   (e)   Any person serving without compensation;
   (f)   Any person employed to conduct a special inquiry or render professional, scientific, technical, or expert service of a temporary nature;
   (g)   Any person employed on contract or other limited tenure assignment;
   (h)   Any field representative of a member of the Board of Supervisors;
   (i)   Legislative advocate;
   (j)   Any position placed in the Unclassified Service by the Board of Supervisors in accordance with the San Bernardino County Charter.
(Ord. 2498, passed - -1980)
§ 13.0104   Protection of Incumbent Employee Status.
   An employee holding a regular position in the Classified Service shall retain Classified status in such regular position while holding the position even if such position is placed in the Unclassified Service by action of the Board of Supervisors.
(Ord. 2498, passed - -1980)