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   11.0101   Title—Reference to Code.
   11.0102   Authority for Code.
   11.0103   Scope of Code.
   11.0104   Existing Law Continued.
   11.0105   Effect of Code on Past Actions and Obligations Previously Accrued.
   11.0106   Pending Action or Accrued Rights Not Affected.
   11.0107   Rights Under Existing License or Certificate Not Affected.
   11.0108   References to Specific Ordinances.
   11.0109   Effect of Heading.
   11.0110   Section Numbers.
   11.0111   Validity of Code.
   11.0112   Words and Phrases—How Construed.
   11.0113   Definitions and Rules of Construction.
§ 11.0101   Title—Reference to Code.
   The Code shall be known as the “Codified Ordinances of the County of San Bernardino.” It shall be sufficient to refer to said Code as the “Codified Ordinances of the County of San Bernardino” or the “San Bernardino County Code” in any prosecution for the violation of any provision thereof and it shall also be sufficient to designate any ordinance adding to, amending or repealing said Code as an addition or amendment to or repeal of said “Codified Ordinances of the County of San Bernardino.”
   Title, division, chapter and section headings do not in any manner affect the scope, meaning or intent of the provisions of this Code.
(Ord. 975, passed - -1961; Am. Ord. 1347, passed - -1967)
§ 11.0102   Authority for Code.
   This Code consisting of ordinances of the County of San Bernardino is adopted pursuant to Government Code §§ 25126, 25127 and 25128.
(Ord. 975, passed - -1961; Am. Ord. 1347, passed - -1967)
§ 11.0103   Scope of Code.
   It is intended that all existing ordinances of the County of San Bernardino are included in this Code except the following ordinances and their amendments:
   Grants of franchise; interim reclassification of land use; call for an election; authorization for the levying and collection of taxes pursuant to an indebtedness; authorizing the execution of notes or bonds of indebtedness. All of or that portion of ordinances and amendments thereto adopting Sectional District Maps, Precise Plan Maps and Oil Field Maps, whether adopted as amendments to sections of this Code or not, are not printed herein. The adoption of this Code shall not affect any ordinance, the provisions of which are not included in this Code.
(Ord. 975, passed - -1961; Am. Ord. 1347, passed - -1967)