Article I. Groundwater Aquifer Protections
   15.05.001   Findings
   15.05.002   Definitions
   15.05.003   Mining of groundwater prohibited
   15.05.004   Permit required for extraction of groundwater for use off-parcel
   15.05.005   Permit required for injection of imported water into groundwater basins or aquifers
   15.05.006   Reserved
   15.05.007   Application for permit
   15.05.008   Public hearing on issuance of permit
   15.05.009   Granting of permit
   15.05.010   Appeal
   15.05.011   Finality of decision
   15.05.012   Annual review of permit
   15.05.013   Inspection
   15.05.014   Emergency
   15.05.015   Enforcement
   15.05.016   Applicability
   15.05.017   Enforcement; exemptions
Article II. Local Small Water Systems
   15.05.030   Declaration of purpose
   15.05.031   Definitions
   15.05.032   Permits
   15.05.033   Exemption requirement of permit
   15.05.034   Application for permit
   15.05.035   Issuance of permit
   15.05.036   Quality standards
   15.05.037   Quantity standards
   15.05.038   Storage requirements
   15.05.039   Sealing or destruction of substandard wells
   15.05.040   Natural or unintentional destruction of wells
   15.05.041   Inspection and right of entry
   15.05.042   Denial or revocation of permit hearing
   15.05.043   Enforcement
   15.05.044   Appeals
Article III. Well Standards
Subarticle I. Purpose and Definitions
   15.05.060   Intent of article
   15.05.061   Definitions and interpretation
Subarticle II. Permits
   15.05.075   Permits and applications
   15.05.076   Application procedure
   15.05.077   Filing fees
   15.05.078   Permit conditions
   15.05.079   Permit; denial
   15.05.080   Permit; expiration
   15.05.081   Permit; suspension and revocation
Subarticle III. Well Standards
   15.05.095   Well standards
Subarticle IV. Variances
   15.05.110   Variances
Subarticle V. Groundwater Protection
   15.05.125   Special groundwater protection
Subarticle VI. Inspections
   15.05.140   Inspections generally
   15.05.141   Initial inspection
   15.05.142   Inspection of well seal
   15.05.143   Final inspection
   15.05.144   Waiver of inspections
Subarticle VII. Completion Reports
   15.05.160   Completion reports generally
   15.05.161   Submittal of state “report of completion”
   15.05.162   Confidentiality of report
   15.05.163   Other agency’s requirements
Subarticle VIII. Appeals
   15.05.175   Right of hearing
   15.05.176   Action by the Board
Subarticle IX. Abatement
   15.05.190   Abatement of abandoned wells
Subarticle X. Violation; Penalty; Enforcement
   15.05.205   Violation of article; criminal
   15.05.206   Violation of article; public nuisance
   15.05.207   Remedies cumulative
   15.05.208   Right of entry, inspection and reporting
   15.05.209   Enforcing agency
Article IV. Water Conservation
   15.05.225   Findings
   15.05.226   Purpose; development of water conservation practices
   15.05.227   First phase; Planning Commission review
   15.05.228   Second phase; preliminary water conservation plan
   15.05.229   Third phase; final water conservation plan
   15.05.230   Procedure
Article V. County Service Area No. 31 Water Conservation Ordinance
   15.05.245   Definitions
   15.05.246   Application
   15.05.247   Administrative requirements
   15.05.248   Permanent water conservation requirements - water conservation measures
   15.05.249   Permanent water conservation measures - water allotment, general provisions for domestic and agricultural water allotments
   15.05.250   Conservation measures - agricultural water supply: allotments
   15.05.251   Permanent water conservation measures - domestic supply: allotments
   15.05.252   Enforcement
   15.05.253   Hardship waiver
   15.05.254   Violations and remedies
   15.05.255   Criminal penalties
   15.05.256   Civil administrative fines
   15.05.257   Disconnection from water service
   15.05.258   Nuisances, abatement, injunctive relief
Editor’s note:
   The prior ordinance history for Article III, Well Standards, is: Ords. 561, 562, 569 and 570.