§ 15.05.031 DEFINITIONS.
   As used in this article:
   DESTROY. The complete filling of the well with impervious sealing materials to an appropriate level in accordance with procedures established by Department of Water Resources Bulletin 74-81, in order to restore as nearly as possible those subsurface conditions which existed before the well was constructed.
   DWELLING UNIT. One or more habitable rooms which are occupied or which are intended to be or designed to be occupied by one family with facilities for living, sleeping, cooking and eating.
   HEALTH OFFICER. The Health Officer of the County of San Benito.
   HORIZONTAL WELL. A well drilled approximately horizontally into a water-bearing stratum as contrasted with a common vertical well, and from which water issues without the aid of a pump.
   LOCAL SMALL WATER SYSTEM. A system, regardless of type of ownership, for the provision of potable water to two to four dwelling units. It includes any collection, treatment, storage or distribution facilities under control of the owner(s) of such a system used primarily in connection with the system.
   PERMIT. The written permission of the Health Officer or his or her authorized representative to utilize water from or otherwise participate in a local small water system.
   PERSON. An individual, firm, association, partnership and/or corporation and/or public entity.
   QUALIFIED REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL. An individual who is registered as a professional competent in the field of domestic drinking water supplies.
   SERVICE CONNECTION. A connection between a water main and a dwelling unit.
   SOURCE. A well, spring or horizontal well. It excludes water from a water storage facility.
   WATER MAIN. Any pipe or conduit that is part of a distribution system with the capacity to supply water to more than one service connection.
   WELL. An artificial excavation constructed in accordance with procedures established by Department of Water Resources Bulletin 74-81.
(1966 Code, § 8.1-2) (Ord. 564, § 1.2)