§ 15.05.246 APPLICATION.
   (A)   The provisions of this Article apply to any person that uses potable or agricultural (“blue-valve”) water provided by County Service Area No. 31.
   (B)   The provisions of this article do not apply to uses of water necessary to protect public health and safety or for essential governmental services, such as parks, police, fire, or other similar emergency service.
   (C)   This article is intended solely to further the conservation of water. It is not intended to implement any provision of federal, state, or local statutes, ordinances or regulations related to protection of water quality or control of drainage or runoff.
   (D)   The Board of Supervisors by resolution or ordinance may require or impose additional reductions beyond those stated in this ordinance in the use of water if such reductions are necessary in order for the county to comply with water use restrictions imposed by federal, state, or regional water agencies, or to respond to local water shortage conditions and emergencies. Depending on the expected duration and severity of the shortage, these measures may include, but are not limited to, some of or all of the actions listed in this article or otherwise declared by the Board, which shall take effect upon declaration by the Board of Supervisors. In an emergency, the County Administrative Officer, or his/her designee, may make the declaration, which will be ratified by the Board of Supervisors at a subsequent meeting.
(Ord. 927, § 2 (part), 2014)