(A)   Purpose. Pursuant to state law, San Benito County is required to review qualifying affordable multi-family projects using a streamlined ministerial review process. This chapter meets the requirements of state law by establishing a process for reviewing affordable multi-family residential projects with objective design and development standards. This will ensure that all housing built pursuant to this chapter meets the County’s standards for quality design.
   (B)   Applicability.
      (1)   Eligibility. This chapter applies to multi-family housing projects which meet the eligibility criteria found in Cal. Gov’t Code § 65913.4.
      (2)   Verification of eligibility. Applicants applying for streamlined review of multi-family housing must provide supporting documentation to demonstrate eligibility.
      (3)   These standards also apply to projects not requesting streamlined reviews or combined with other permitting such as subdivision maps or conditional use permit.
   (C)   Process.
      (1)   Application required. All applications for streamlined review of multi-family housing shall be accompanied by materials as required by the Planning Director to verify compliance with the requirements of this section.
      (2)   Timing.    All applications shall be either approved or denied by the County within the following timelines:
         (a)   Projects with 150 or fewer housing units shall be approved within 60 calendar days of application submittal.
         (b)   Projects with more than 150 housing units shall be approved within 90 calendar days of application submittal.
      (3)   Approval authority. Applications for streamlined review of multi-family housing shall be reviewed and approved by the Planning Director.
      (4)   Approval required for conforming projects and required findings.
         (a)   The Planning Director shall approve an application for streamlined review of multi-family housing if the proposal meets the eligibility criteria for a streamlined review process and conforms with all of the objective design standards contained in this chapter. Proof of availability of municipal water and sewer service is also required for approval.
         (b)   The Planning Director shall transmit notice of his/her decision to approve or deny an application for streamlined review of multi-family housing to the Planning Commission within one calendar day of the date of decision.
         (c)   If an application for streamlined review of multi-family housing is denied, the County shall notify the applicant in writing of the reason(s) for the denial, including any eligibility criteria or design standards that are not satisfied.
      (5)   No hearing required. No public hearing shall be required prior to a decision to approve or deny an application for streamlined review of multi-family housing.
      (6)   Appeals. The decision of the Planning Director to approve or deny an application for streamlined review of multi-family housing may be appealed per the provisions of § 25.01.008. The Commission’s review of an appeal shall be limited to determining whether the project meets the required findings for approval contained in this chapter.
      (7)   Expiration of approvals. An approval for streamlined review of multi-family housing pursuant to this chapter shall expire pursuant to Cal. Gov’t Code § 65913. A one-year time extension may be granted pursuant to state law if the applicant provides reasonable documentation to prove there has been significant progress toward getting the project construction-ready, such as filing a building permit application.
      (8)   Amendments. An applicant may request an amendment to an approved streamlined review of multi-family housing. Amended projects shall demonstrated continued conformance with the eligibility requirements and development standards in this chapter.
   (D)   Site planning. The following standards apply to the siting of buildings within the multi-family project.
      (1)   Neighborhood compatibility.
         (a)   Residential projects located across the street from single-family neighborhoods shall orient the following features toward the street: individual entries, patio areas and landscaping facing single-family homes.
         (b)   Where new multi-family development is built adjacent to or across a street from existing residential development, the façade facing the existing low-density residential development shall be designed to provide architectural relief and interest, and in similar massing and scale of adjacent neighbors.
         (c)   Windows shall be offset by ten feet to avoid direct sightlines into and from existing homes on the same level. Balconies shall be positioned so they avoid direct views into neighboring properties.
      (2)   Pedestrian circulation. On-site pedestrian circulation and access within a multi-family project shall be provided according to the following standards:
         (a)   Pedestrian walkways shall connect all buildings on a site to each other, to on-site automobile and bicycle parking areas, and to any on-site open space areas or pedestrian amenities.
         (b)   An on-site walkway shall connect the primary building entry or entries to a public sidewalk along each street right-of-way.
         (c)   Walkways shall be a minimum of five feet wide and paved with concrete.
   (E)   Open space. The following standards apply to the design of open space features within the multi-family project.
      (1)   Common open space. Common open space is required for all multifamily projects with more than ten units seeking approval through the objective standards process as shown below:
         (a)   Common open space shall be provided at a rate of 100 square feet of open space per dwelling unit. Required front, side, and rear setbacks shall not be counted toward meeting open space requirements.
         (b)   Common open space is open space used commonly by residents of a building, having a minimum dimension of 15 feet in any direction and a minimum area of 300 square feet.
         (c)   Common open space may be comprised of the following: patios, turfed areas, community gardens, pools, common pedestrian walkways serving the entire development, tot-lots, and recreation areas accessible to building residents and their visitors.
         (d)   Common open space shall not include driveways, pedestrian access to units from common pedestrian walkways, parking areas or required front, side or rear setback areas.
         (e)   A minimum of 60% of the common open space shall be provided as a landscaped turf area or garden.
      (2)   Private open space. Private open space is required for all multifamily projects seeking approval through the objective standards process. The following requirements shall apply:
         (a)   Private open space areas at ground level, such as patios, shall have a minimum of 120 square feet of private outdoor space directly adjacent to the unit.
         (b)   Private open space above ground level, such as balconies, shall have a minimum of 60 square feet of area with no dimension less than six feet.
         (c)   Private outdoor space shall be delineated by a wall, fence, or hedge.
         (d)   Private open space is usable open space adjoining and directly accessible to a dwelling unit, reserved for the exclusive use of residents of the dwelling unit and their guests. Examples include patios, screened decks, or balconies.
         (e)   Accent elements shall be used to demarcate pedestrian entrances to a multi-family development and common open space areas on the interior of a project site. Accent elements shall include the following: wood trellises, arches, arbors, columns, or low monument features.
         (f)   Storage space shall be provided for each unit.
      (3)   Private storage space for personal property. Each unit shall have at least 25 square feet of enclosed, weather-proofed, and lockable private storage space with a minimum horizontal dimension of four feet.
   (F)   Landscaping. The following standards apply to the design of landscaping and lighting within the multi-family project.
      (1)   Landscaping around the building perimeter is required.
      (2)   Within the landscaped area between the right-of-way and buildings, trees shall be planted at a rate of one for each 20 feet of landscaped area. Trees shall be located between four and ten feet from the back of the sidewalk. The landscaped area shall also include shrubs, ground covers, and other natural growth, or stormwater quality features and drainage treatments.
      (3)   All planting areas, plant materials, and irrigation shall conform with the County’s water-efficient landscaping regulations.
      (4)   Parking lot landscaping.
         (a)   Parking areas, covered and uncovered, must be screened from view from public roadways with landscaping. Landscaped screening is defined as a natural or man-made feature which separates land uses. Landscape screening may be accomplished through the following: landscaping (groundcover, plantings, and trees), a planted earth berm (no greater than two feet in height), hedge, wall, or some combination of the above.
         (b)   A perimeter landscaped strip at least ten feet wide shall be provided for any parking area adjacent to a public street or to the side or rear property line. The perimeter landscaped strip may be located within a required setback area.
         (c)   Trees shall be planted and maintained in all parking lots at a minimum ratio of one tree for every six parking spaces. Trees shall be evenly distributed throughout the entire parking area.
         (d)   Decorative or enhanced paving shall be used to indicate crosswalks and project entries.
   (G)   Lighting.
      (1)   All entryways, pathways, public areas, and parking lots shall be illuminated per county standards.
      (2)   High-efficiency, warm white light shall be used.
      (3)   Lighting shall be arranged to reflect or direct light away from adjacent residential properties.
   (H)   Architectural design.
      (1)   Façade detailing and materials.
         (a)   Building facades shall reflect the characteristics of an identifiable architectural styles, such as: Craftsman, Mediterranean, Monterey Craftsman, Monterey Colonial, Ranch, Spanish Colonial Revival, Spanish Mission, and Victorian.
         (b)   All visible building facades visible from the public right-of-way and adjacent properties shall incorporate one or more of the following details: window and door trim, window recesses, cornices, changes in materials or other design elements. All building facades shall be designed with the same level of detailing and quality of materials.
         (c)   Window trim shall be a minimum of two inches in width and one inch in depth. In lieu of exterior window trim, windows may be recessed from a wall plane by a minimum of three inches.
         (d)   A unified palette (color, texture, sheen) of materials shall be used on all sides of buildings. Every building shall have at least two complementary colors.
         (e)   At least two materials shall be used on any building frontage, in addition to glazing and railings. One material must comprise at least 20% of the building facade.
         (f)   Allowed materials shall include stone, brick, stucco, painted wood, and vinyl siding. The following materials are prohibited: concrete block (unless covered by stucco), T111 plywood, metal, and other materials which have the same appearance.
         (g)   Natural materials such as stone, river rock, or slate, which are intended to be seen in their natural state, shall not be painted.
         (h)   Wood shingles are prohibited as roofing material.
         (i)   Carports, detached garages, and accessory structures shall use similar materials, colors, and details equivalent to the principal buildings of a development.
         (j)   All multi-family tenant parking spaces shall be covered. Guest spaces may be uncovered or covered.
      (2)   Massing and articulation.
         (a)   Upper stories shall not project more than 24 inches beyond the ground floor footprint, except for bay windows or balconies.
         (b)   The massing of upper stories, particularly those over a garage, shall be modulated by stepping back massing elements a minimum of two feet from the ground floor facade, and/or through the use of protruding bay windows.
         (c)   Garage doors shall be recessed a minimum of nine inches from the plane of the building façade.
         (d)   A minimum one-foot offset is required for any wall plane that exceeds 30 feet in length.
         (e)   Buildings over two stories tall shall have massing breaks at least every 100 feet along any street frontage adjacent to a public park, publicly accessible outdoor space, or designated open space. Breaks in massing may be provided through the use of varying setbacks and/or building entries. Massing breaks shall be a minimum of two feet deep and four feet wide and extend the full height of the building. Building entrances, front porches, and similar architectural features may count towards meeting this requirement.
         (f)   Variation of roof forms shall be used on buildings of over 50 feet in length along the street frontage. This can be accomplished through the use of cornices, reveals, clerestory windows, and differences in roof height and/or form.
         (g)   A minimum of two architectural features shall be incorporated into each building, including: balconies, dormers, bay windows, patios, individualized entries, and accent materials.
   (I)   Accessory features. The following standards apply to the design of accessory features within the multi-family project.
      (1)   Walls and fences.
         (a)   All wall and fence designs shall integrate materials and detailing that are used on the primary buildings (e.g. pilasters, stonework, wrought iron, or colors).
         (b)   Walls shall be constructed of decorative masonry, including CMU walls, split-face walls, or material of similar appearance, maintenance, and structural durability. Precision block is prohibited unless coated in stucco or a similar surface treatment.
         (c)   Fences may be constructed of metal (wrought iron or tubular steel), wood, or vinyl. Chain link or similar fencing is prohibited per § 25.07.013 of this title.
         (d)   Fences and walls located along the side or rear property lines which are not along street frontages shall be solid fences or walls. Open fences, which feature wrought iron/tubular steel, may be permitted to capture scenic views offered by a property line that adjoins a permanent open space area, and where the yard does not require screening.
         (e)   Fencing between private yards and common open spaces shall be a minimum of four feet in height.
         (f)   Where screening is necessary as part of the site design, block walls may be constructed within the front yard setback and along the street frontage, but must be decorative masonry, have a decorative cap, and feature a landscape setback.
         (g)   Exterior trash, refuse storage, utility boxes, and electric and gas meters shall be screened from the public right of way with landscaping, fences, or walls.
      (2)   Refuse containers.
         (a)   Developments with four or fewer units may be designed so that units are provided with individual refuse containers. Refuse containers must be provided with a location to be stored which is out of view from pedestrian walkways and internal and external roadways.
         (b)   In developments with five units or more, shared refuse containers shall be provided, which shall be located within an enclosure or building. The applicant shall provide the County with information from the refuse pickup provider verifying the size and number of dumpsters required by the projects.
         (c)   Refuse enclosures shall be a minimum of six feet tall and an adequate size to accommodate the needed refuse and recycling containers.
         (d)   Refuse enclosures and gates shall be designed and made with durable materials to withstand heavy use. Wheel stops or curbs shall be installed to prevent dumpsters from banging into the walls of the enclosure.
         (e)   Lighting shall be provided at refuse enclosures for night-time security and use.
         (f)   Refuse enclosures shall be located so that they are convenient and close to the units they serve.
         (g)   The entrance of refuse enclosures shall not be visible from public rights of way.
      (3)   Monument signage.
         (a)   One monument sign may be permitted on a site provided that the site has a minimum street frontage of 75 feet in length. On corner lots, one additional monument sign may be established provided that each street frontage is at least 75 feet in length.
         (b)   The total sign area of a monument or pylon sign shall not exceed 80 square feet, with a maximum of 40 square feet per individual sign face.
         (c)   The maximum height of a monument sign shall not exceed six feet measured from finish grade level to the uppermost edge of the sign cabinet.
         (d)   Monument signs shall be located at a distance of at least five feet from the property line. This setback distance shall be measured from the property line to the leading edge of the monument sign.
         (e)   All monument signs shall be architecturally compatible with the building(s) on the site on which the monument sign is to be located.
(Ord. 1043 § 3 (part), 2022)