25.07.001 Introduction
25.07.002 Residential architectural and design standards
25.07.003 Non-residential architectural and design standards
25.07.004 General rules of measurement
25.07.005 Encroachments into required setbacks
25.07.006 General standards for accessory structures
25.07.007 Development standards for accessory structures in residential zones
25.07.008 Development standards for accessory buildings in agricultural zones
25.07.009 Height exceptions
25.07.010 Parking
25.07.011 Landscaping
25.07.012 Outdoor lighting
25.07.013 Fences, walls, and screening
25.07.014 Refuse and recycling areas
25.07.015 Outdoor storage and display
25.07.016 Signs
25.07.017 Hillside/ridgeline
25.07.018 Tree protection