(A) General requirements.
(1) Scope. The design and construction of public and private roadways, alleys, driveways, bike paths and all associated appurtenances such as sidewalks, curbs, street lights, signs, barriers and the like in all unincorporated areas of the county, shall be in accordance with these minimum design standards, except as modified in any adopted specific plan.
(2) Interpretation. The County Engineer shall be the final authority in any and all questions regarding the interpretation of these design standards, unless otherwise specified by adopted plan line.
(3) Enforcement. Enforcement of these standards shall be by the County Engineer.
(B) Definitions. Unless otherwise provided in this chapter, the following definitions shall be used in interpreting the provisions of this chapter.
ACCESS. The right of an owner of land to go and return from his or her own land to a public road.
ALLEY. A secondary means of access to property and is located at the rear or side of the property.
BICYCLE WAY. An area either within or outside the right-of-way of a dedicated street where bicycle travel is the designated use.
COUNTY MAINTAINED ROAD. A road for which the county has accepted rights-of-way and maintenance responsibilities.
CUL-DE-SAC STREET. A road open to motor vehicle use at one end only, with special provisions for turning around, and the further extension of which is precluded by the land division design.
EASEMENT. The right to use another’s property. EASEMENTS are usually over a defined area and for a specific use such as public utilities facilities, drainage, sewers or access.
FRONTAGE ROAD or SERVICE ROAD. A road immediately adjacent to freeways, expressways or arterials. These roads provides access to local properties that would otherwise front on the freeways, expressways or arterials.
MEDIAN. That portion of a divided highway separating the traveled way for traffic in opposite directions. A MEDIAN may be raised, landscaped or painted.
PARKWAY. The area adjoining the outer edge of the roadbed, extending to the right-of-way line in which sidewalks, plantings, utilities, bank slopes and related facilities may be located.
PART-WIDTH ROAD. Any street in which the improved width is less than the width necessary for a normal full-width street.
PEDESTRIAN WAY. A right-of-way designed for use by pedestrians and not intended for use by motor vehicles of any kind. A PEDESTRIAN WAY may be located within or outside of street right-of-way, at grade or grade separated from vehicular traffic.
PRIVATE RIGHTS-OF-WAY. Any of the following:
(a) Any right-of-way that has been offered for dedication, but has not been accepted by the county;
(b) A legally established private easement for access;
(c) A navigable waterway;
(d) Roads shown on antiquated subdivision plats that are not county maintained roads; and
(e) Public roads for which there is no legally established right-of-way or easement.
PRIVATE STREET/ROAD. A roadway within a private development or a planned residential development whereby the street improvements remain in private ownership.
PUBLIC ROAD. Any road which is open for unrestricted travel by the general public. A PUBLIC ROAD may or may not be dedicated to or maintained by the county.
RESTRICTED ACCESS. The right of vehicular access has been dedicated to the county. A property owner no longer has a right to go to and from his or her property by vehicle over a right-of-way line which has restricted access.
RIGHT-OF-WAY. An easement for the use of roads, water and waste water facilities, flood and
drainage works, overhead and underground utilities or any related improvements.
ROAD. Includes streets and highways, both public and private. The terms streets, road, roadways and highways are used interchangeably. ROAD includes the roadbed, all slopes, shoulders, side ditches, curb, gutters, sidewalks and all other related facilities with the right-of-way.
ROAD SYSTEM. The classification of streets and highways by their diverse functions and design. The hierarchy of roads in the county and additional definitions of road classifications are shown in § 23.31.021.
ROADBED. That portion of the road between curb-faces or between the outside line of improved shoulders.
STUB STREET. A street open at one end only, without provisions for turning around.
TRAVELED-WAY. That portion of the road for the movement of vehicles, exclusive of shoulders and auxiliary lanes.
(C) Other standards. It is recognized that it is not humanly possible to set rigid design standards for every possible design situation that may be encountered. When the situations arise, design of roadway improvements shall adhere to sound engineering principals and good civil engineering practice. State of California Department of Transportation references titled Manual of Traffic and Highway Design Manual may be used for guidance. In all cases, final approval of any design is left to the discretion of the County Engineer.
(D) Access required. All parcels in a development project shall have access to a county maintained road either directly or by private right-of-way or easement offered for dedication to the county. The use of private right-of-way or easement for access shall be approved by the Planning Commission or County Engineer.
(E) Improvement required. The developer shall improve all roads that are a part of the development project or are required to serve the development project in accordance with the requirements of this chapter. Roads must be dedicated to the county. For a building permit, all projects along existing roads shall construct road improvements on the project side of the roadway along the parcel frontage as required to meet county standard road sections. Private roads shall be developed to public road standards.
(Ord. 860, § 4 (part), 2010)
(A) Common private driveway.
(1) A secondary access street with improved 30 foot minimum right-of-way;
(2) Private maintenance;
(3) Common private driveways in commercial and industrial areas shall only be allowed with the specific approval of the Planning Commission and the County Engineer; and
(4) Where new development adjoins an existing common private driveway, improvement to the driveway shall be required if not to county standards.
(B) Bicycle way.
(1) “Bicycle way” and “bike path” are used interchangeably. Typical width for a separated bike path is a eight-foot improved surface in a 20-foot dedicated easement, the remainder being landscaped according to a landscaping plan approved by the County Engineer.
(2) Where road right-of-way widening is required in lieu of separated bike paths, an additional 12-foot dedicated width is required with two paved six-foot bike ways provided, one for each direction of travel.
(3) On-street bike lanes shall be delineated with special marking, striping and signage as required by the County Engineer.
(4) Off-street bike paths shall be delineated with special marking, striping and signage as required by the County Engineer.
(C) Cul-de-sac.
(1) Cul-de-sac roads shall be two-lane undivided roads with intersections at grade.
(2) Driveway access to abutting properties is allowed.
(D) Residential (through).
(1) Through residential roads shall be two lane undivided roads with intersections at grade.
(2) Driveway access to abutting residential lots is allowed.
(E) Collector non-access.
(1) Collector non-access shall be two-lane undivided roads with intersections at grade, designed to take a minimum interference of traffic from driveways.
(2) Parking not allowed on street. Widening of the right-of-way for turn lanes at major intersections shall be provided.
(F) Collector-access.
(1) Collector-access shall be undivided four-lane roads with intersections at grade and partial control of access.
(2) On street parking may be allowed in urban or suburban areas. Widening of the right-of-way for turn lanes at major intersections shall be provided.
(3) Access from abutting single-family residential properties is prohibited. Access from commercial, industrial and multi-family properties may be allowed with approval of access design by the County Engineer.
(G) Arterials.
(1) Arterials shall be four- or six-lane divided roads with intersections at grade and partial control of access.
(2) Major arterials require widening for turn lanes at major intersections. On-street parking is prohibited.
(3) Access to abutting properties is prohibited except commercial or industrial zoned properties may be allowed access subject to design approval of the County Engineer. Direct access is prohibited from abutting residential zoned properties.
(H) Expressways.
(1) Expressways shall provide no direct access to abutting properties. Intersections are limited to freeways, major and minor arterials and rural collector roads only. Intersections closer than one- quarter mile prohibited.
(2) Expressways may be two-lane or multi-lane undivided highways in rural areas or multi-lane divided highways in urban areas at the discretion of the County Engineer.
(3) A minimum standard right-of-way shall be required plus additional widening for turn lanes at intersections. On street parking is prohibited.
(I) Freeways.
(1) Freeways shall be multi-lane divided highways with no direct access to abutting properties and have grade separations at intersections. Intersections are only allowed with freeways, expressways, arterials or rural roads.
(2) Specific design standards, right-of-way width requirements and required appurtenances shall be determined by the County Engineer on a case by case basis.
(A) Responsibility.
(1) The county will prepare or contract for preparation of any traffic studies. When submitted by the applicant, the study shall be reviewed by an independent consultant hired by the county or the county itself, and paid by the applicant through the county.
(2) The developer shall deposit with the county funds for all costs prior to county preparing any required traffic studies.
(B) When required.
(1) Unless waived by the County Engineer, the county shall prepare a written traffic study for a development project when traffic caused by the development project is expected to exceed 50 trip ends during any day.
(2) (a) At the request of the County Engineer, the county shall prepare a written traffic study for a development project when traffic caused by the development project is expected to be less than 50 trip ends during any day.
(b) If traffic is less than 50 trip ends during any day, a traffic study will not normally be prepared unless there are special extenuating circumstances, such as traffic safety concerns.
(C) Supplemental study required. The county may prepare a supplemental traffic study if, after preparing an original traffic study for any development project, the property use is changed so that total trip generation is increased by more than 15%.
(D) Content. To provide consistency and facilitate review, the following format shall be followed for organizing information gathered, traffic assumptions, analysis, findings and mitigation measures:
(1) Introduction;
(2) Existing circulation system;
(3) Existing traffic conditions;
(4) Trip generation;
(5) Trip distribution and assignment;
(6) Traffic impacts;
(7) Cumulative traffic conditions;
(8) Cumulative impacts; and
(9) Mitigation measures.