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For permits to do any work, see Section 106A of the Building Code.
(Added by Ord. 399-89, App. 11/6/89; amended by Ord. 161-92, App. 6/4/92; Ord. 256-07, App. 11/6/2007)
(a) One- and Two-Family Code Enforcement Fees. Every property owner of a one or two-family dwelling rental unit, as defined by , Section (r) of the and Section 401 of this Code, shall pay an annual fee to defray the cost of complaint response, outreach, inspections, and other code enforcement services pertaining to blight, and substandard conditions as defined by Section 1001 and 1002 of this Code. The Tax Collector shall bill this annual Fee as a special assessment lien on the property tax bill mailed to all owners of one- and two-family dwelling rental units. All laws pertaining to the collection and enforcement of ad valorem property taxes, including the date such fees are due and payable, shall apply to the collection and enforcement of this Fee. The revenue collected by the Tax Collector shall be used exclusively to defray the costs incurred in the education, outreach, and enforcement of this Code. See schedule. See Building Code, Chapter 1A, Schedule 1A-P (Residential and Code Enforcement License Fees) for the applicable fees.
(b) Apartment House License Fees. Every individual entity which owns or operates an apartment house, including a residential condominium, as defined by Section 401 of this Code, shall pay an annual license fee. The Tax Collector shall bill the annual Apartment House License Fee as a special assessment lien on the property tax bill mailed to all owners and operators of apartment houses, as defined by this Code. All laws pertaining to the collection and enforcement of ad valorem property taxes, including the date such fees are due and payable, shall apply to the collection and enforcement of the Apartment House License Fee.
The license fee will be used to defray the cost of health and safety inspection and regulation of the apartment houses by the Department of Building Inspection. This inspection will be made by the Department of Building Inspection on a periodic basis as determined by the Director of the Department of Building Inspection. However an inspection shall be made not less than once every five years. Additional inspections within any year may be required, including responding to occupant complaints. See Building Code, Chapter 1A, Schedule 1A-P. (Residential and Code Enforcement and License Fees) for the applicable fees.
(c) Hotel License Fees. Every individual entity which owns or operates a hotel, shall pay an annual license fee. The Tax Collector shall bill the annual Hotel License Fee as a special assessment lien on the property tax bill mailed to all owners and operators of hotels, as defined by this Code. All laws pertaining to the collection and enforcement of ad valorem property taxes, including the date such fees are due and payable, shall apply to the collection and enforcement of the Hotel License Fee.
The license fee will be used to defray the cost of health and safety inspection and regulation of the hotels by the Department of Building Inspection. This inspection will be made by the Department of Building Inspection on a periodic basis as determined by the Director of the Department of Building Inspection. However an inspection shall be made not less than every five years. Additional inspections within any year may be required including responding to occupant complaints. See Building Code, Chapter 1A, Schedule 1A-P. (Residential and Code Enforcement and License Fees) for the applicable fees.
(d) Responsibility for Payment of Fee. Only one license fee is required to be paid per rental dwelling unit, apartment, or hotel subject to this Section, consistent with the timelines established herein. In the event that more than one entity receives notice of the obligation for the fee, responsibility for payment of the fee in its entirety is a matter to be resolved by the individual entities.
(e) Special Assessment Lien. Any person or entity, which fails to pay the required license fees as described in this Section will be subject to the placement of a special assessment lien in the amount of the fee owed or delinquent, plus accrued interest, against the real property regulated under this chapter pursuant to the procedure set forth in of the San Francisco .
(Added by Ord. 399-89, App. 11/6/89; amended by Ord. 161-92, App. 6/4/92; Ord. 129-93, App. 5/7/93; Ord. 350-95, App. 11/3/95; Ord. 382-96, App. 10/3/96; Ord. 256-07, App. 11/6/2007; 6-26-2009 by Ord. No. 105-09, Eff. 7-27-2009)
(a) Inspection by City. Routine Inspections. All apartment houses and hotels shall be subject to periodic health and safety inspections within the time frames specified by Section 302 of this code. These inspections shall be performed throughout the common areas of the building including but not limited to building lobbies, exit corridors, balconies, common hallways, exit stairs, courtyards, lightwells, garages, garbage rooms or area, boiler rooms, laundry rooms, utility rooms housing electrical or gas service, storage rooms/areas, basements, maids closets, common linen closets, community kitchens, common bathrooms, roof areas, the habitable room housing a temperature-sensing device as required by Section 701(c) of this code, or any other portion of the building used for, or intended for residential use, or accessory to residential use.
Inspections may be performed throughout dwelling units, guest rooms, guest room suites, or portion of a building used for or intended for residential use, or accessory to residential use, upon receipt of occupant complaints, or if the Director of the Department of Building Inspection with reasonable discretion finds that such an inspection is necessary to determine if an unsafe or substandard condition exists as defined by this code.
(b) Inspection and Entry by Owner. The owner, or the authorized agent of any owner of any building or premises may enter, during normal business hours, the building or premises whenever necessary to carry out any instructions or perform any work required to be done by this Code, pursuant to California Civil Code Section 1954.
(Added by Ord. 399-89, App. 11/6/89; amended by Ord. 161-92, App. 6/4/92; Ord. 350-95, App. 11/3/95; Ord. 256-07, App. 11/6/2007)