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   (a)   Requirement in All Districts except MB-OS. In all Mission Bay Use Districts, except MB-OS Districts, street trees shall be installed by the owner or developer either within a set-back area on the lot or within the public right-of-way along such lot.
      The street trees shall conform to the Street Design Guidelines of the Mission Bay Plan. Except when otherwise provided in those guidelines, the street trees installed shall be a minimum of one tree of 15 gallon size for each 20 feet of frontage of the property along each street or alley, with any remaining fraction of 10 feet or more of frontage requiring an additional tree.
      The species of trees selected shall conform to the Street Design Guidelines and the Street Tree Planting Plan (Figure 18) In the Mission Bay Plan. Along major arteries, as shown on Figure 18, tree species should be consistent and planted in a formal manner. On neighborhood streets tree species should vary from block to block but be consistent within the block.
   (b)   Requirement in MB-OS Districts. In MB-OS Districts, street trees shall be installed in accordance with the Recreation and Open Space Design Guidelines and Street Design Guidelines in the Mission Bay Plan.
(Added by Ord. 63-91, App. 2/27/91)