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(a) Building Separation. There are no building separation requirements at nonresidential levels of buildings and structures in Mission Bay Use Districts.
(b) Lot Coverage.
(1) MB-R Districts. Lot coverage of buildings and structures at nonresidential levels in MB-R Districts shall be consistent with Residence Design Guidelines Section 2.3 in the Mission Bay Plan and the set-back requirements of Section 941 of this Code.
(2) MB-NC Districts. Lot coverage of buildings and structures in MB-NC Districts shall be consistent with the Neighborhood Commercial Design Guidelines in the Mission Bay Plan.
(3) MB-O and MB-CI Districts. Lot coverage of buildings and structures in the MB-O and MB-CI Districts shall be consistent with Commerce and Industry Design Guidelines Section 2.2 of the Mission Bay Plan.
(4) MB-H District. Lot coverage of the buildings and structures in the MB-H District shall be consistent with Commerce and Industry Design Guidelines Section 5 in the Mission Bay Plan.
(Added by Ord. 63-91, App. 2/27/91)